Showing posts with label Antibiotic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Antibiotic. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Drink enough water when taking these drugs.πŸ’§πŸ’§πŸ’§

In general, almost all medicines are taken with water. However, the amount of drinking water is various when taking different medicines. There are some medicines require drinking a lot of water. Most of medicines taken by the human body are eliminated by the kidneys. Drinking plenty of water when taking medicines can reduce the burden on the kidneys, excrete toxins and enhance metabolism of medicines. The following types of drugs should be noted to drink a lot of water when taking:

1. Antipyretic and analgesic

When you have a cold and you are taking antipyretic and analgesics, you should drink more water. Your urine output should not be less than 1.5 liters per day. You should pay more attention when you have a high fever or in summer. First of all, since these drugs can irritate the stomach at high concentrations, this irritation can be reduced by drinking more water. In addition, drinking water during a cold helps the body to urinate a lot to metabolize toxins in the body. Finally, antipyretic drugs have the effect of reducing fever and sweating occurs during the process of reducing fever. When sweat evaporates, it can take away a large amount of body temperature and water, thereby returning body temperature to normal. It is necessary to properly supplement water. If you drink too little water, it is not conducive to sweating and reducing fever. It will also cause collapse because the body's water is not replenished in time.

2. Antibacterial drugs

Aminoglycoside antibiotics: such as amikacin, gentamicin, etc. Aminoglycoside antibiotics are highly toxic to the kidneys. The higher the concentration, the greater damage to the renal tubules. Therefore, it is advisable to drink more water to dilute and accelerate the excretion of the drug.

Sulfonamide antibacterial drugs: Sulfonamide drugs and their metabolites are mainly excreted through the kidneys. Sometimes they precipitate out from the urine and form crystals, causing low back pain, proteinuria and hematuria. In severe cases, the crystals can block the urinary tract and obstruct urine excretion. Drinking a lot of water can increase urine output and reduce the concentration of drugs in the urine. It can also combine with some drugs that can alkalize urine at the same time, such as sodium bicarbonate, to avoid precipitation of crystals and damage the kidneys.

Quinolone antibacterial drugs: such as levofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, etc., are mainly excreted through the kidneys. Crystal urine may occur when large doses of fluoroquinolones are used or the urine pH is above 7. In order to avoid the occurrence of crystal urine, you should drink more water and maintain a 24-hour urine output above 1200ml.

3. Antiviral drugs

Antiviral drugs such as acyclovir and famciclovir can cause crystalline renal failure. Therefore, it is advisable to drink more water during the medication period, especially the elderly. Due to the decline of physiological renal function, the dosage should be reduced. Combined use with zidovudine can cause nephrotoxicity. It manifests as fatigue, deep lethargy. It also competitively inhibit the secretion of organic acids with probenecid, which can slow down the excretion of this class of drugs. It will accumulate the amount of drugs in the body.

4. Anti-gout drugs

When you are taking anti-gout drugs such as benzbromarone, allopurinol, etc., you should drink more water and ensure that the drinking amount is not less than 2 liters. It can reduce the irritation to the digestive tract. At the same time, enough water can alkalize the urine to prevent the formation of stones in the urinary tract during the excretion of uric acid.

5. Bisphosphate

Bisphosphonates such as alendronate sodium, clodronate disodium, etc. In the treatment of hypercalcemia, bisphosphonates can cause electrolyte disturbance and water loss. Therefore, you should pay attention to supplement body fluids and make the daily urine output reaching more than 2000ml. Bisphosphonates are also very irritating to the gastrointestinal tract. Drinking plenty of water when taking it can help reduce the irritation of bisphosphonates to the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it is not advisable to lie down immediately after taking the medicine and keep the upper body upright for at least 30 minutes (Ibandronate should keep the upper body upright for 60 minutes).

πŸ‘‰In addition to drinking plenty of water when taking these drugs, you should also drink enough water at ordinary times.

Monday, November 29, 2021

How to use Cefdinir?πŸ‘€

Cefdinir is a semi-synthetic third-generation cephalosporin, which is stable to Ξ²-lactamase and has good antibacterial activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Cefdinir has the advantages of good oral absorption, high antibacterial activity, high blood concentration and wide tissue distribution. It has a good treatment effect on mild to moderate respiratory tract infections and skin and soft tissue infections. It is one of the commonly used clinical antibacterial drugs. Some patients feel very alarmed when they have red urine or red stool after using cefdinir. They may mistakenly think it is hematuria or bloody stool and be confused whether they should continue taking it. The following will explain the precautions for using cefdinir.

1. Strictly comply with medication indications

Before using antibiotics, the first choice should be to clarify whether it is a viral infection or a bacterial infection. Antibacterial drugs can only be applied when a bacterial infection is used. 

Suitable for the following mild and moderate infections caused by sensitive bacteria:

Adults and teenagers

  1. Community-acquired pneumonia.
  2. Acute attack of chronic bronchitis.
  3. Acute maxillary sinusitis.
  4. Otitis media.
  5. Scarlet fever.
  6. Pharyngitis or tonsillitis.
  7. Uncomplicated skin and soft tissue infections.


  1. Acute otitis media.
  2. Pharyngitis or tonsillitis.
  3. Uncomplicated skin and soft tissue infections.

2. Dosage

The usual dose for adults is 0.1g once, 3 times a day. The recommended dosage and course of treatment for adults and adolescents (over 13 years old) are as follows: 

  • For all infectious diseases, the maximum daily dosage of this medicine is 600mg and 10 days is a course of treatment. One dose daily is equivalent to two doses daily, but twice a day is required for pneumonia and skin infections. If the patient's weight is relatively low, condition is relatively mild or the above-mentioned dosage cannot be tolerated. A 100 mg dose, 3 times a day, can also be used.

Recommended regular dose for children: Orally, 9~18mg/kg a day, taken in 3 divided doses. 

  • Children 6 months to 12 years old have acute bacterial otitis media, acute maxillary sinusitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, simple skin and soft tissue infections. The dose is 1 time every 12 hours, 7mg/kg each time or 1 time every 24 hours, 14mg/kg each time.
  • The dose for children with community-acquired pneumonia is once every 8 hours, 3-6 mg/kg each time, with a maximum dose of 200 mg once.

3. Caution and contraindications

Use with caution:

  1. People who have a history of allergies to penicillin or cephalosporin drugs.
  2. Those with severe renal impairment.
  3. Those with poor eating conditions, non-oral intake of nutrients, severe underlying diseases and cachexia (Vitamin K deficiency may occur when using cefdinir and close observation is required).

  1. Patients with a history of severe allergies to drugs.

4. Medication method

It can be taken before or after a meal (The absorption of cefdinir after a meal is slightly reduced).

Mainly cause gastrointestinal side effects (such as diarrhea, abdominal pain) and skin side effects (such as rash, itching).

Red urine may appear during medication. When combined with iron-containing foods, red stools may appear. This is normal and you can continue to take the drug.

The following drugs will interact with cefdinir and need to be used at intervals:

  • Cefdinir has antibacterial activity, which may reduce the effect of drugs containing live bacteria. If you need to use it in combination, please use it at an interval of 2 hours.
  • Medications that need to be taken 2 hours apart: antacids (such as aluminum hydroxide).
  • Medicines that need to be taken at least 3 hours apart: iron salt drugs (such as ferrous sulfate, iron citrate, iron hydroxide).
  • Medications that need to be taken 4 hours apart: Acetylcysteine.

πŸ‘‰Cefdinir has a broad antibacterial spectrum, high local concentration in inflammatory tissue, high bioavailability, high efficiency and low side effects. It has a good effect on children with mild to moderate infections. Paying attention to the precautions during the administration can ensure the maximum effect of the drug and avoid the risk of medication.

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