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Showing posts with label public. Show all posts

Sunday, September 29, 2024

What are the functions of various B vitamins?πŸ”’πŸ”’πŸ”’

There are many kinds of vitamin B, such as vitamin B1, B2, B6, and B12. They all work in different ways and can relieve many different symptoms. They will be introduced one by one below.

1. Vitamin B1:Alcoholics should supplement in appropriate amounts.

Vitamin B1 is also called thiamine. Long-term alcohol consumption can cause vitamin B1 deficiency. Beriberi is another name for vitamin B1 deficiency. Its early symptoms include fatigue, headache, loss of appetite, muscle aches, etc. As the condition worsens, patients may develop edema, heart failure, peripheral neuropathy, and Wernicke's encephalopathy. 

Recommended supplementary foods: cereals, egg yolks, lean meat, milk, tomatoes, etc.

Vitamin B1 supplement: Vitamin B1 tablets are used to prevent and treat vitamin B1 deficiency, such as beriberi complicated with neuritis or indigestion. Adults take it orally three times a day, 10 to 20 mg each time.

2. Vitamin B2: Patients with angular stomatitis or chapped lips can supplement it in appropriate amounts.

Vitamin B2 is also called riboflavin. It has a close relationship with protein metabolism. Lack of vitamin B2 reduces the activity of lysyl oxidase, which affects the formation of collagen cross-links. It is considered to be a major cause of skin damage. Symptoms of vitamin B2 deficiency will first appear on the skin. The most common clinical manifestations are pale mucous membranes and ulcers at the corners of the mouth (angular stomatitis), cinnabar-red lips (cheilosis), and scrotal inflammation.

Recommended supplementary foods: animal liver, animal kidney, eggs, milk, soybeans, etc.

Vitamin B2 supplement: Vitamin B2 tablets are used to prevent and treat vitamin B2 deficiency, such as angular stomatitis, chapped lips, conjunctivitis, glossitis, scrotumitis, seborrheic dermatitis, etc. Adults take it orally 3 times a day, 5 to 10 mg each time. It is recommended to be taken after meals. After taking vitamin B2 tablets, the urine will turn yellow, which is a normal reaction.

3. Vitamin B3: Patients with pellagra can supplement it in appropriate amounts.

Niacin plays an important role in maintaining normal tissue, especially the integrity of the digestive tract, nervous system, and skin. Niacin deficiency is also known as pellagra. The clinical manifestations of pellagra are dementia, dermatitis, diarrhea and death. Dermatitis is its most typical symptom, usually appearing on exposed parts of the limbs and appearing symmetrically. It is manifested as a diffuse pigmented rash.

Recommended supplementary foods: animal liver, animal kidney, fish, meat, peanuts, soybeans, etc.

Niacin supplement: Niacin tablets are used to prevent and treat niacin deficiency disorders such as pellagra. Adults take it orally 5 times a day, 50 to 100 mg each time. It is not advisable to take more than 500 mg a day. Common adverse reactions include headache, skin redness (especially on the face and neck) and other vasodilation reactions. Taking large doses of niacin may cause arrhythmia, hyperglycemia, hyperuricemia, and liver toxicity.

4. Vitamin B6: Patients with seborrheic dermatitis can supplement it in appropriate amounts.

Vitamin B6 is involved in the metabolism of neurotransmitters and all amino acids. Patients lacking vitamin B6 will mainly suffer from skin and mucosal inflammation, including glossitis, stomatitis, seborrheic dermatitis and desquamative dermatitis. In addition, some patients may develop mental and neurological symptoms such as peripheral neuritis and depression.

Recommended supplementary foods: lean meat, liver, vegetables, etc.

Vitamin B6 supplement: Vitamin B6 tablets can be used to prevent and treat vitamin B6 deficiency such as chapped lips and seborrheic dermatitis. It can also be used to relieve pregnancy vomiting. Adults take 10 to 20 mg orally daily for three weeks. Long-term or excessive use of vitamin B6 may cause severe peripheral neuritis. Patients may experience abnormal nerve sensations, unsteady gait, and numbness in their hands and feet. Therefore, patients must take the recommended dosage, do not take excessive amounts, and should stop taking the medicine after 3 weeks.

5. Folic acid: Women preparing for pregnancy can supplement it in appropriate amounts.

Folic acid is also called vitamin B9, vitamin M or vitamin B11. Folic acid is an essential component for the synthesis of DNA and RNA. It participates in various metabolic links in the human body. It is an essential substance for the growth and reproduction of body cells. It is also involved in the maturation of red blood cells. Folic acid is also required for the development of the fetal nervous system.

Recommended supplementary foods: Animal liver, fruits, green vegetables, etc.

Folic acid supplement: Folic acid tablets are mainly used as supplements for pregnant and lactating women. It prevents congenital neural tube defects in fetuses. Women of childbearing age should take 0.4 mg orally once a day from the time of planning pregnancy to the end of the third month after pregnancy. Folic acid can turn urine yellow when taken in large amounts.

6. Vitamin B12: Patients with peripheral neuropathy can supplement it in appropriate amounts.

Vitamin B12 is also called cobalamin. It is the only vitamin that contains metallic elements. Vitamin B12 can increase the bioavailability of folic acid, thereby promoting the synthesis of DNA and nucleic acids. It is also an essential component required for the synthesis of nerve myelin lipoproteins. Patients lacking vitamin B12 may develop megaloblastic anemia and peripheral neuropathy. Methylcobalamin is the active form of vitamin B12 in the body.

Recommended supplementary foods: Dairy products, meat, eggs, fish, etc.

Vitamin B12 supplement: Methylcobalamin tablets are used to treat peripheral neuropathy and megaloblastic anemia caused by vitamin B12 deficiency. Adults take 0.5 mg orally three times a day. Methylcobalamin is easily decomposed by light. Therefore, it should be used immediately after opening and should be protected from light. In addition, when used to treat peripheral neuropathy, if taking it for more than one month is ineffective, there is no need to continue taking it.

7. Other Vitamin B:

  • Vitamin B4: It can be used to prevent and treat acute granulocytopenia and leukopenia caused by various causes (especially caused by tumor chemotherapy and radiotherapy and benzene poisoning).

  • Vitamin B5: It is also called pantothenic acid. Pantothenic acid deficiency is rare in humans because pantothenic acid is widely present in food.

  • Vitamin B7: It is also known as biotin or vitamin H. Biotin comes from a wide range of sources. Human intestinal bacteria can also synthesize it. Therefore, biotin deficiency rarely occurs. However, raw egg whites contain proteins that resist biotin, so long-term use of large amounts of raw egg whites may lead to biotin deficiency.

Monday, June 26, 2023

What are the common problems of gout?πŸ”πŸ”πŸ”

Gout is a very common metabolic disease clinically. Here are some practical facts and frequently asked questions about gout.

1. What is the difference between hyperuricemia and gout?

Hyperuricemia refers to the blood uric acid levels of both men and women are higher than 420 ΞΌmol/L twice on different days. In patients with hyperuricemia, urate crystallizes and deposits in the body. It can cause patients to develop gouty arthritis, uric acid nephropathy, and kidney stones called gout. Some researchers now refer to gouty arthritis as gout. In addition, some patients with hyperuricemia have no obvious symptoms such as arthritis for life, which is called asymptomatic hyperuricemia. Subclinical gout can be diagnosed in patients with asymptomatic hyperuricemia if sodium urate crystal deposition and/or gouty bone erosions are found on examination.

2. Are Gout and Hyperuricemia Inherited to Offspring?

The probability of blood uric acid level being inherited is approximately 27 to 41% and the probability of gout being inherited is about 30%. About 20% of gout patients have a family history of it. Environmental factors such as alcohol consumption, overeating and weather are closely related to the occurrence of gout. Environmental factors such as alcohol consumption, overeating and weather are closely related to the occurrence of gout. Acute gouty arthritis has the characteristics of rapid onset. Within hours, patients experience redness, swelling, heat, pain, and dysfunction in affected joints. Midnight or early morning is the more common time of onset. In addition, due to the poor blood supply, low skin temperature, low interstitial fluid pH and high pressure of the foot, the first metatarsophalangeal joint is the first joint of most gout.

3. What is the relationship between high blood pressure and hyperuricemia/gout?

It is generally believed that for every 60 ΞΌmol/L increase in blood uric acid in a patient, his relative risk of hypertension will increase by 1.4 times. Blood vessels and kidneys can be damaged by high blood pressure. It will reduce uric acid excretion and increase blood uric acid level. Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (eg, captopril), angiotensin-receptor blockers (eg, irbesartan, except losartan.), Ξ²-blockers (eg, metoprolol), and thiazide diuretics (eg, hydrochlorothiazide and indapamide) significantly increase the risk of gout attacks. Patients with hypertension complicated with hyperuricemia or gout should preferably choose antihypertensive drugs that do not affect blood uric acid levels, such as amlodipine and losartan. Atorvastatin is the first choice for patients with hyperuricemia or gout combined with hypercholesterolemia, which can promote the excretion of uric acid by the kidneys. Fenofibrate is the first choice for patients with hyperuricemia or gout with hypertriglyceridemia, which can inhibit uric acid reabsorption.

4. Are people with hyperuricemia or gout more likely to develop diabetes?

For every 60 ΞΌmol/L increase in the blood uric acid level of a patient, the risk of new-onset diabetes increased by 17%. Uric acid-lowering treatment can reduce the incidence of diabetes in people with hyperuricemia. Their incidence of cardiovascular and renal complications will also be reduced. In addition, insulin can lead to elevated blood uric acid levels in patients. Therefore, hypoglycemic drugs such as Ξ±-glucosidase inhibitors, metformin, SGLT-2 inhibitors and thiazolidinediones will increase insulin levels in patients. Patients with gout who use hypoglycemic drugs should try to avoid using the above drugs.

5. Do patients with asymptomatic hyperuricemia need uric acid-lowering therapy?

Non-drug treatments such as diet adjustment and weight control will be the first choice for patients with asymptomatic hyperuricemia. Treatment guidelines in China and Japan suggest that patients with asymptomatic hyperuricemia should be treated with uric acid-lowering drugs when the blood uric acid level is ≥540 ΞΌmol/L. Treatment guidelines in Europe and the United States recommend that patients with asymptomatic hyperuricemia need to start uric acid-lowering drug therapy only when they have chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular risk factors. Among the urate-lowering drugs, allopurinol can cause fatal allergic reactions in patients, benzbromarone can seriously damage the liver function of patients and febuxostat can increase the risk of cardiovascular events in patients.

6. What value should the blood uric acid target value be reduced to in patients with gout?

Studies have pointed out that when the patient's blood uric acid is controlled at <360 ΞΌmol/L for a long time, it can dissolve the urate crystals in the patient's body, and reduce the number and volume of crystals. It also prevents the formation of new urate crystals in the body. It is recommended to control the blood uric acid level of all gout patients to <360 ΞΌmol/L, and the blood uric acid level of severe gout patients to be controlled to <300 ΞΌmol/L. However, it is not recommended to control the patient's blood uric acid level at <180 ΞΌmol/L for a long time.

7. Which uric acid-lowering drugs can be used in patients with gout?

Allopurinol, benzbromarone, and febuxostat are the first-line drugs for uric acid-lowering therapy in patients with gout. Allopurinol and febuxostat inhibit uric acid synthesis in patients. Benzbromarone stimulates the excretion of uric acid. Allopurinol and benzbromarone are the first-line uric acid-lowering drugs for patients with asymptomatic hyperuricemia. If the patient's blood uric acid still does not reach the target value after using a sufficient amount and a full course of monotherapy, two uric acid-lowering drugs with different mechanisms of action can be considered in combination.

8. What uric acid-lowering drugs should be used in patients with gout and chronic kidney disease?

For gout patients with chronic kidney disease, uric acid-lowering therapy can inhibit the progression of their chronic kidney disease. Uric acid synthesis inhibitors such as allopurinol and febuxostat will be given priority to gout patients with chronic kidney disease stage 3 or above (glomerular filtration rate <60ml/min).Since the fatality rate of hypersensitivity reaction to allopurinol is as high as 30% and is obviously related to the HLA-B*5801 gene, patients should be tested for their HLA-B*5801 gene before using it. Therefore, febuxostat is especially suitable for gout patients with chronic renal insufficiency.

9. Do patients with gout who taking benzbromarone need to also take sodium bicarbonate?

Although oral administration of sodium bicarbonate has a certain effect on reducing uric acid in patients with gout, the effect on reducing uric acid is limited. In addition, long-term use of sodium bicarbonate can cause water and sodium retention in patients, which can cause and aggravate high blood pressure and induce heart failure. Therefore, patients only need to take sodium bicarbonate if the pH of the morning urine is <6.0.

10. What is the correct way to use colchicine?

Compared with taking large doses of colchicum, the effect of small doses of gout is similar and the side effects will be significantly reduced. When the patient has an acute gout attack, the first dose of colchicine is 1 mg, and then an additional 0.5 mg is given every hour. Until 12 hours later, take 0.5mg once or twice a day. When patients start uric acid-lowering drug therapy, fluctuating blood uric acid levels can easily induce acute gout attacks. Therefore, patients can take colchicine for at least 3 to 6 months to prevent acute gout attacks. The dosage is 0.5 to 1 mg per day.

11. Why are obese people more prone to gout attacks?

Gout is a metabolic disease and many patients with gout will be accompanied by obesity. The daily caloric intake of obese patients will be greater than the daily consumption. Purine synthesis in the body will increase with the increase in calorie intake, and the production of uric acid will also increase. In addition, obesity, especially abdominal obesity, can cause insulin resistance in patients. Insulin resistance can increase blood uric acid levels in the body. Therefore, many gout treatment guidelines recommend that patients with gout control their weight. 

12. Why are patients prone to gout attacks after drinking alcohol?

Some studies have pointed out that liquor and beer can increase the risk of gout attacks in patients, but there is little evidence that red wine increases the risk of gout attacks. Some studies have pointed out that hard alcohol and beer can increase the risk of gout attacks in patients, but there is little evidence that red wine increases the risk of gout attacks. Metabolism of alcohol increases consumption of ATP. Serum lactic acid will increase due to alcohol, thereby reducing uric acid excretion. The purines in alcohol lead to increased uric acid production. These are the reasons why alcohol consumption can increase blood uric acid levels.

13. What vegetables and fruits should patients with gout eat?

Patients with gout should not eat foods with too much sugar. Therefore, fruits with too much sugar such as apples, oranges and grapefruit should not be eaten too much. Plant foods with high purine content such as mushrooms, seaweed and kelp should not be eaten too much. Patients with gout can eat watermelon, coconut, grapes, strawberries, plums and peaches in moderation. Lemons, cherries and olives have certain benefits for patients with gout. It is recommended to eat low-purine foods such as most melons, tubers, root and leafy vegetables.

14. What kind of meat should patients with gout eat?

White meat such as chicken and duck has lower purine content than red meat such as beef and pork. The purine content of animal offal is generally higher than that of meat. Patients with gout should not consume more than 100g of meat per day. Cured or smoked meats are high in purines and sodium, which interfere with the metabolism of uric acid. Patients with gout are not suitable for eating these foods.

15. How much and how should patients with gout drinking water?

Patients with gout but without contraindications such as kidney disease or heart failure are recommended to drink 2 to 3L of water per day. Patients should try to maintain a daily urine output of about 2 L and a urine pH of 6.3 to 6.8. In addition, lemon water can help lower uric acid. It can add 1 to 2 fresh lemon slices to 2 to 3L of water.

16. How can patients with gout exercise?

Vigorous exercise can increase sweating in patients with gout. It reduces blood volume, renal blood flow, and uric acid excretion. It can even induce gout attacks. Low-intensity aerobic exercise such as jogging can reduce gout attacks in patients. Low-intensity aerobic exercise such as jogging can reduce gout attacks in patients. It is recommended that patients perform low-intensity aerobic exercise 4 to 5 times a week, 0.5 to 1 hour each time. In addition, since low temperature can easily induce acute gout attacks in patients, patients should avoid taking cold baths after exercise.

Sunday, December 25, 2022

What medicines should not be taken with milk?πŸ₯›πŸ₯›πŸ₯›

Milk is a great natural nutritional supplement. It is also a drink that many people drink every day. Although drinking milk has many benefits for people, it will affect the absorption of drugs when it is taken with many drugs at the same time. It may even interact with those drugs and make them less effective. One of the main reasons is that milk can form a thin film on the surface of gastric mucosa and drugs. When the film is digested and absorbed, the drug may miss its optimal absorption period. As a result, drug absorption and efficacy are reduced. In addition, milk can also produce physical or chemical reactions with some drugs. It may adversely affect medicines. Milk contains substances such as iron, calcium, phosphorus, protein, fat and multivitamins. They react chemically with some drugs and form insoluble salts or stable chromium compounds. This can make it difficult for the body to absorb the medicine and can even lead to gallstones or kidney stones. Some drugs are listed below for specific explanation:

1. Preparations containing iron, zinc or calcium.

Calcium, zinc, or iron preparations such as calcium lactate, calcium gluconate, zinc gluconate, ferrous gluconate, ferrous fumarate, and ferrous succinate can form clots with the protein in milk. In addition to reducing the absorption of drugs and reducing the peak plasma concentration of drugs, this clot will also increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract. Iron can also be precipitated by phosphorus in milk and affect its absorption. Iron is absorbed mainly in the duodenum and proximal jejunum in the form of ferrous ions. Calcium ions in milk compete with iron for absorption in the duodenum. It reduces iron absorption and effectiveness. Therefore, when patients take calcium, zinc or iron preparations, they should be separated from milk for 1 to 2 hours.

2. Antacids and gastric mucosal protective agents.

Aluminum hydroxide, bismuth potassium citrate, calcium carbonate, magnesium hydroxide, sodium bicarbonate, etc. are clinically commonly used antacids and gastric mucosal protective agents containing metal ions. The above-mentioned drugs containing metal ions also form clots with proteins in milk. It will reduce the efficacy of drugs and increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, but also affect the body's absorption of nutrients in milk. In addition, when sodium bicarbonate is taken together with milk, milk-alkali syndrome can occur.

3. Most antibacterial drugs.

Almost all quinolones such as ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, and norfloxacin will be combined into insoluble chelates by metal ions in milk. These chelates will affect the absorption of antibacterial drugs, reduce their antibacterial effect, and make the drug less effective or even completely ineffective. Therefore, most antibacterial drugs should not be taken together with milk.

4. Drugs for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

Drink a lot of milk while taking digoxin, digitoxin and other drugs for the treatment of chronic heart failure. The toxicity of these drugs will be increased by the calcium ions in the milk. When patients with severe hypertension take antihypertensive drugs, if they take milk or milk products at the same time, their blood pressure may rise sharply. In severe cases, the patient's blood pressure will continue to rise, and even hypertensive crisis will occur.

5. Anti-Parkinson's disease drugs.

Milk should not be taken together with anti-Parkinson's disease drugs such as carbidopa and levodopa. These drugs need a carrier to help them move in the body when they are absorbed in the small intestine. The aromatic amino acids contained in protein in milk will compete with them for the same carrier system and affect their absorption.

6. Antidepressants.

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors in antidepressants should not be taken with milk. When monoamine oxidase is inhibited, tyramine, which is rich in milk, will accumulate in the body in large quantities. It can cause cardiac arrhythmia, sudden increase in blood pressure, and severe cases can lead to cerebral hemorrhage and even death.

7. Constipation medicine.

The stimulant laxative bisacodyl is used to treat acute, chronic, and habitual constipation. The enteric coating of bisacodyl is prematurely dissolved by the milk, making it irritating to the stomach and duodenum. Therefore, milk should not be consumed for 2 hours before or after taking this medicine.

8. Other drugs.

Calcium and bone metabolism regulators such as alendronate sodium, ibandronate sodium, anticancer drugs such as estramustine, etc. should not be taken together with milk.

Unless instructed by a doctor, it is best to take the medicine with water, not milk, tea, etc.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

What should patients pay attention to when taking aspirin for a long time?πŸ“πŸ“πŸ“

Aspirin is a classic and commonly used antithrombotic drug. In clinical, its application is very extensive. It can be used to prevent and treat cerebral thrombosis, cardiopulmonary infarction, angina pectoris, ischemic heart disease, etc. It plays an important role in the prevention of primary and secondary cardiovascular disease. Therefore, aspirin needs to be taken by many patients for a long time. The best results for these patients can only be achieved by taking aspirin correctly. The following will tell about the correct way to take aspirin.

When is it better to take aspirin?

Is it better for patients to take aspirin in the morning, noon, or evening? Some experts pointed out that there is controversy about the time of taking aspirin in the current research. Studies have shown that platelet activity increases in the morning. Therefore, from six o'clock to twelve o'clock in the morning is the high incidence time of cardiovascular events, so patients are advised to take aspirin in the morning. However, other studies have suggested that patients take aspirin at night to lower their blood pressure better, so they are advised to take it at night. In fact, the mechanism of action of aspirin is that the peak blood levels of the drug are not reached until several hours after taking the drug. Its antiplatelet effect can also last for several days after repeated administration. Therefore, whether aspirin is taken in the morning or in the evening, its antiplatelet effect persists after repeated doses. Therefore, it is generally more important to recommend that patients take aspirin regularly for a long time.

Different dosage forms of aspirin have different doses.

Different dosage forms of aspirin have different effects when taken before or after meals. If a patient is taking aspirin as a regular tablet, this dosage form causes it to be broken down in the stomach. Therefore, this form of aspirin should be taken after meals to reduce its damage to the gastric mucosa. If a patient is taking aspirin as an enteric-coated tablet, it will only dissolve in alkaline intestinal fluids and not in acidic gastric fluids. Taking this form of aspirin after meals can delay its absorption. Moreover, the alkaline content of food may cause the enteric-coated tablet to dissolve in the stomach and cause damage to the gastric mucosa. Therefore, it recommends that enteric-coated tablets should be taken 30 to 60 minutes before meals.

Patients should avoid missing to take aspirin.

Missed doses occasionally occur in patients taking long-term medication. What are the effects of missing an aspirin? Although the activity of existing platelets can be effectively inhibited by a single low-dose aspirin, the human body generates 10-15% of platelets every day. Therefore, patients need to take regular daily aspirin to keep these new platelets suppressed. If the patient occasionally misses an aspirin, it has little effect on the antithrombotic effect. However, frequent missed doses increase the risk of blood clots. It is recommended to take the medicine at a fixed time each day to avoid missed doses. If the patient misses a dose and is close to the next dose, there is no need to make up the dose and do not double the dose to avoid increasing adverse reactions. If the patient misses a dose and it is long before the next dose, make up the dose immediately.

Do not drink alcohol while taking aspirin.

First, the activity of an alcohol metabolizing enzyme (alcohol dehydrogenase) is inhibited by aspirin. It slows the metabolism of alcohol and causes more alcohol to accumulate in the body. Alcohol intoxication can become more likely. In addition, alcohol also increases the risk of gastric mucosa and liver damage. Therefore, alcohol should be avoided while taking aspirin. If the patient must drink alcohol, the patient should separate the medication time and alcohol consumption to reduce the interaction between the two.

Who is more likely to experience gastrointestinal adverse reactions when taking aspirin?

The patient's medication compliance is often affected by the adverse reactions of the medication. If a patient develops stomach pain after taking aspirin, it is easy for them to stop taking the drug. Digestive tract adverse reactions are more likely to occur in patients with a history of smoking and drinking, taking high-dose aspirin, taking anticoagulants at the same time, age > 65 years, or previous history of gastrointestinal diseases. These patients may need to take stomach-protecting drugs to reduce the occurrence of gastrointestinal adverse reactions.

Patients who develop aspirin resistance should be reassessed and adjusted their medication.

Aspirin resistance refers to the inability of patients to prevent blood clots after taking aspirin. When this occurs, the patient needs to be reassessed and assessed for factors that affect the efficacy of aspirin. Such as blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipids are not effectively controlled. Does the patient take medication regularly? Are there any interactions between other drugs (such as NSAIDs) and aspirin? If the patient does not have the above factors, consider increasing the aspirin dose or switching to other antiplatelet drugs.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Repeated damage to cells can cause cancer, so do muscle cells?πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ

Chronic injury and inflammation are major risk factors for cancer. Carcinogenic factors such as eating hot food, drinking hot tea, smoking, and air pollution are all due to their repeated damage to human tissues. But why does repeated tissue damage lead to cancer? Although the mechanism of this carcinogenesis is complex, one of the more easily understood reasons is that the repair of damaged tissue requires cell division. Every time a cell divides, a gene may mutate. Repeated tissue damage increases the number of cell divisions, which increases the probability of mutation into an oncogene. At this time, fitness enthusiasts may think that muscle fibers are constantly damaged and repaired during muscle exercise. Will it also increase the risk of cancer?

Does muscle building increase the chance of a genetic mutation?

Its answer is of course not. Muscle building does not increase your risk of cancer. The main reason is that with or without exercise, muscle tissue rarely develops tumors. Lung cancer, breast cancer, liver cancer, etc. are all common, but muscle cancer is rare. It is because the muscle tissue rarely develops tumors. Although this does not mean that muscle tissue is completely tumor-free, for example, rhabdomyosarcoma is a tumor with muscle tissue characteristics. However, it is not caused by muscle building. Rhabdomyosarcoma is a common childhood tumor. Congenital or early developmental genetic mutations are its main cause. Adults over the age of 30 generally do not have rhabdomyosarcoma. 

Why do muscles rarely get cancer?

Long-term muscle building can lead to repeated muscle growth and injury, but why do muscles rarely get cancer? Because of the special structure of skeletal muscle, it has its own anti-cancer function. 

The structure of muscle.
As it can be seen from the above figure, a skeletal muscle cell is also called a muscle fiber. It has two main features:

  1. Most cells in the human body generally have only one nucleus. However, a myofibroblast will have many nuclei. It belongs to multinucleated cells.
  2. Muscle cells, which are multinucleated cells, do not divide and proliferate by themselves. They do not go from one muscle fiber directly to two muscle fibers.

So how does muscle training make muscles stronger without splitting muscle fibers? This makes muscles stronger both by making the muscle cells bigger and by fusing more muscle cells. Muscles tend to get bigger because each muscle fiber cell gets bigger, not because there are more of them. Myofibroblasts use nutrients in the body to synthesize more protein when stimulated by exercise. It makes muscle cells larger, but does not proliferate. 

Muscle building

How do muscles repair after muscle damage?

Muscle stem cells are responsible for muscle repair. Although myofibroblasts cannot divide and proliferate, muscle stem cells can. Muscle stem cells usually only attach to the surface of muscle fibers and do not proliferate. Muscle stem cells are activated if the muscle is growing or repairing damage. They divide and proliferate to create new muscle cells. Most stem cell divisions produce new cells that fuse with old myofibroblasts and repair damaged muscle fibers. The rest retain the properties of muscle stem cells and attach to the surface of muscle fibers.

Muscle Repair.

Why doesn't the division and proliferation of muscle stem cells increase cancer risk?

One of the main reasons is that most muscle stem cells fuse into muscle fibers after they divide and proliferate. When these stem cells fuse into muscle fibers, they lose their ability to divide and proliferate. They do not accumulate mutations. Although a single muscle stem cell division may lead to cancer-causing mutations, one mutation is not enough to generate cancer cells. Adults generally need to accumulate multiple mutations to form cancer cells. And in many cases, specific mutation types and sequences are required to cause cancer. The process is also relatively long. And when a muscle stem cell has an oncogene mutation, it is quickly fused into the muscle fiber. Even if the muscle is damaged by the next exercise, it will not divide and grow again. Normally, it does not accumulate into cancer cells and cause cancer. This biological feature is the anticancer function of skeletal muscle. In addition, a number of studies have shown that regular muscle training does not increase cancer risk but significantly reduces cancer incidence.

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Drinking water like this is bad for your body.πŸ˜–πŸ˜–πŸ˜–

Many people know that drinking more water is good for the body. Many people know that drinking more water is good for the body. However, drinking water indiscriminately can be harmful to the body's organs and the damage is not immediately reflected. It can cause long-term damage to your body without even noticing it. Therefore, here are some bad drinking habits, so that you can change your drinking habits in time.

Too cold water is bad for the stomach and intestines.

With summer approaching, many people like to drink cold water. Drinking it can refresh you when you are sleepy, and it can cool down quickly after exercising. This is very refreshing. However, if a person suddenly drinks too cold water, the smooth muscles of the stomach and intestines will spasm, and the blood vessels will suddenly contract. It may cause stomach and intestinal dysfunction, indigestion, constipation and other problems. Especially during or after exercise, these problems are more likely to be caused. 

When a person is exercising, the functions of various organs in the human body will be adjusted due to the exercise. The functions of exercise-related tissues and organs such as the heart, lungs and muscles will be enhanced. Organs involved in metabolism or energy storage, such as the gastrointestinal tract, are also weakened. The rate of gastric emptying is also reduced. In addition, a person's body temperature rises during and after exercise. At this time, if you drink too much or drink too cold water quickly, it will not only easily cause gastrointestinal disorders, but also cause water retention in the stomach. It can cause nausea, stomach pain, bloating, indigestion and constipation.

Drinking water too fast is bad for the heart.

The heart pumps blood throughout the body through the contraction of the myocardium, and returns the blood to the heart through the relaxation of the myocardium. However, as people age, the function of the heart also declines. After the function of the heart declines, its ability to withstand sudden stimuli will also decrease. Even small stimuli, such as drinking water quickly, can damage the heart due to the increased burden. Especially with a lot of people who are thirsty after a bath, they drink water instantly and quickly. It is very dangerous. Heart rate generally rises right after taking a shower. If you drink water quickly at this time, too much water will enter the blood vessels. This water can make the heart more burdened. People with poor heart function, patients with cardiovascular disease and the elderly may experience symptoms such as palpitation and sweating.

Drinking too little water is bad for your kidneys and bladder.

Drinking too little water can reduce urination. Decreased urination can cause the following:

Decreased urine output and increased urine concentration can saturate or supersaturate calcium phosphate, calcium oxalate, and uric acid in urine. They can precipitate as crystalline particles in the urine. These crystals continue to accumulate and eventually form kidney stones or bladder stones.

Decreased urination prevents bacteria from being excreted in time. It can easily cause acute cystitis, urinary tract infection, etc., especially in women. Because the female urethra is relatively short. External bacteria can easily pass through the infected urethra to the bladder.

If the weather is hot, people sweat more and drink too little water, which increases the risk of infection and urinary tract stones.

In addition, if you don't drink enough water for a long time, your body will be dehydrated. It also increases the risk of urinary system cancers.

Drinking too hot water is bad for the esophagus.

Many people drink some hot water to relieve discomfort when they feel uncomfortable. However, too hot water can actually harm our esophagus. The mucosal epithelial layer on the esophagus is very soft and thin. When hot water directly touches the mucosal epithelial layers, it is easy to burn them and cause breakage, ulceration, and bleeding. The mucosal epithelium generally repairs damaged tissue quickly. However, if the mucosal epithelium is often badly stimulated, it will easily appear some cells with abnormal functions and morphology due to frequent repair and proliferation, and then evolve into tumor cells. Although the maximum temperature that the mouth and esophagus can tolerate is 50 to 60 oC, the optimal temperature for food to be eaten by the human body is 10 to 40 oC. Therefore, food or water that is too hot should be ingested after it has cooled slightly. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

How to use eye drops correctly?πŸ‘€

Nowadays, people often use electronic products such as mobile phones and computers. Watching the screen for a long time can easily cause eye discomfort. Whenever the eyes feel uncomfortable and dry, many people use eye drops to relieve the discomfort. However, not everyone knows the correct way to use eye drops and what to pay attention to when using them. The following will explain the correct use of eye drops.

1. Check the eye drops for any abnormality.

First of all, be sure to confirm whether the drug is an ophthalmic preparation. The pharmaceutical requirements for ophthalmic preparations are not the same as for general dosage forms. The resistance of the eyes is lower than that of the skin or the stomach. Ophthalmic preparations are used directly on the eyes, so their pharmaceutical requirements are much higher than those of general dosage forms. Medication in normal dosage form should not be used in the eyes. In addition, you should also check that the expiration date on the packaging has not expired when you use it. Not only eye drops, but all medicines should not be used after they have expired. All ophthalmic preparations should not continue to be used and should be thrown away if particles appear or if the color of the solution changes.

2. The correct procedure for eye drops.

You should wash your hands before applying eye drops or ointment. Then you can lie down or sit with your head thrown back. Use your index finger and thumb to gently pull the lower eyelid down to form a sac. Turn your eye upward so that your inferior fornix conjunctiva is fully exposed. Put the eye drops close to your eyelid. But do not touch the eyedrops on the eyelids, as this may contaminate the eyedrops. You dispense the eye drops as prescribed and close your eyes gently. Try not to blink immediately after instilling the eye drops. Gently press with one finger on the corner of the eye near the side of the nose for 1 to 2 minutes. If you don't do this, the eye drops may flow from the surface of the eye through the nasolacrimal duct into the nose and mouth. After 1 to 2 minutes you wipe off the excess eye drops with a clean tissue. 

When using eye ointment, squeeze a certain amount of eye ointment into the lower eyelid. Eye ointment should be squeezed into a thread. However, do not touch your eyelids or eyes when squeezing the ointment. Then close your eyes and roll them a few times. This allows the ointment to spread evenly.

3. How to store eye drops.

Eye drops bottles do not need to be wiped or rinsed after use, as this will contaminate the drops. Just screw the cap tightly and store it in a suitable environment. In addition, because the eye drops are sterile preparations, it is easy to breed bacteria after opening. Unless there are special regulations for eye drops, they should be used up within 1 month after opening. After opening, eye drops should be stored in a dry, cool place away from direct sunlight. Some eye drops will need to be refrigerated, but not frozen.

4. Precautions for combined use of eye drops.

Sometimes a patient may need to use several eye drops. However, these eye drops cannot be used together at the same time. Under normal circumstances, one eye drop is instilled first, and then another eye drop is applied 10 to 15 minutes later. If eye drops are used at the same time, the first eye drop is not fully absorbed and washed away by another eye drop. This can cause the first eye drop to be ineffective. 

In addition, in order to avoid eye drops that are too irritating to the eyes, it recommends that patients use less irritating eye drops first. For example, patients need to use levofloxacin eye drops and sodium hyaluronate eye drops in combination. It recommends that patients use sodium hyaluronate eye drops first, and then levofloxacin eye drops after 10 to 15 minutes. 

If the patient needs to use eye ointment and eye drops at the same time, it recommends using eye drops in the morning and eye ointment at night before going to bed. After applying eye ointment, the ointment spreads into a film on the cornea. This can affect vision. It recommends using eye ointment at bedtime.

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Some dietary habits may cause liver cancer.πŸ‘ΏπŸ‘ΏπŸ‘Ώ

More and more attention is now paid to protecting the liver. Many people
know that staying up late and drinking alcohol can be harmful to the liver, but many people do not know that some eating habits are also harmful to the liver, even more damaging than staying up late. Here are some dietary habits that can damage the liver.

Eating this flavor is more damaging to the liver than staying up late.

Many people know that staying up late hurts the liver, but there is a taste that will make the liver more and more hurt. Eating this flavor for a long time is even worse than staying up late and that taste is sweet. Many people know that eating too many sweets can cause obesity, increase the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and diabetes. However, eating too many sweets can actually damage the liver, and the damage of fructose is more serious. Fructose is one of these sugars. It is widely found in natural foods such as fruits and honey. Recent studies have identified excessive fructose intake as a risk factor for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. The main risk factors for this type of fatty liver are obesity, insulin resistance, and excessive fructose intake. If the patient does not control the development of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, it can develop into more serious diseases such as liver fibrosis, liver cirrhosis, liver cancer, and even lead to death.

But how does fructose damage the liver? This is because fructose is mainly metabolized by the liver. There are no rate-limiting enzymes during the process of hepatic metabolism of fructose. This results in the continuous production of intermediate products of fructose metabolism, which are then converted into fat and accumulated in the liver. Eventually, it develops into fatty liver and other metabolic diseases. In addition, the barrier function of the gut is also compromised by excessive fructose intake. This increases the enzymes in the liver to synthesize fat, causing the liver to accumulate more fat. Large amounts of fructose can also cause fatty denaturation of the liver. When these denatured fats combine with other risk factors, steatohepatitis can result. Fructose also doesn't make you feel full, like staying up late can cause drowsiness, and it won't cause discomfort like drinking too much alcohol. Therefore, many people do not feel that the fructose intake is excessive and the liver is continuously damaged unintentionally.

Does eating fruit also damage the liver?

As mentioned above, since fructose will damage the liver, and fruits also contain fructose, will eating fruit also damage the liver? In fact, only excessive intake of fructose can damage the liver. Therefore, it is safe and healthy to eat fruit within the normal range. 

Eat 200 to 350g of fruit per day.

Although fruits contain fructose, they also contain a lot of dietary fiber. Dietary fiber slows the rate at which fructose enters the bloodstream, making it less damaging to the liver. It is recommended to eat 200 to 350g of fruit per day.

Fruit should not be juiced.

Fruit juice is a high-sugar food. Although freshly squeezed juice still contains many minerals and vitamins, many people filter the juice after juicing. This removes substances rich in minerals and vitamins. The dietary fiber in the fruit is also removed. The absorption of fructose is accelerated. And after filtering out these nutrients, only a lot of fructose is left in the juice. For example, 500g of orange contains about 11g of fructose. Eating an orange directly not only does not consume too much fructose, but also absorbs nutrients such as vitamin C and fills the stomach. However, the orange juice drinks sold on the market generally contain about 20g of fructose in a 500ml bottle. Drinking fruit juice instead of eating fruit will not only consume more fructose, but also lack different nutrients and will not make you feel full.

Foods contain other sugars.

Processed foods such as packaged breads, snacks, biscuits, energy drinks, carbonated drinks, and seasonings all have high amounts of added sugar. Different added sugars such as fructose, glucose, and sucrose are added to these foods. When sucrose is digested, it will produce fructose and increase the burden on the liver. If you do not pay attention to the intake of sugar when eating, it is easy to lead to excessive intake of sugar. Therefore, in addition to paying attention to the intake of fructose, excessive intake of other sugars should also be avoided.

Friday, April 1, 2022

These habits before bed can help lower uric acid.πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

As more and more people suffer from hyperuricemia, more and more people
are concerned about how to reduce uric acid in the body. The increase in uric acid in humans is mainly due to insufficient uric acid excretion and excessive uric acid production. The human body generally has about 1200mg of uric acid, and the human body produces about 700mg of uric acid every day. Under normal circumstances, About 500mg of uric acid is excreted through the kidneys, and the remaining 200mg of uric acid is excreted through the intestines. The body's daily excretion of uric acid and the production of uric acid should maintain a balance. Clinically, normal values for uric acid are 149 to 416 ΞΌmol/L in men and 89 to 357 ΞΌmol/L in women. When the blood uric acid concentration is higher than the normal value, it can be diagnosed as hyperuricemia clinically. Excessive uric acid in patients with hyperuricemia can form urate crystals. The crystals deposit in the patient's joint synovium, bursa, cartilage, and other tissues, causing a recurring inflammatory disease called gout. Gout attacks can cause gouty nephropathy, gouty acute arthritis, chronic arthritis, tophi and joint deformities.

Why does uric acid in the body increase?

Elevated uric acid is caused by an imbalance between the excretion and production of uric acid. However, only about 10% of patients with elevated uric acid are caused by excessive uric acid production, and most (more than 90%) patients are caused by decreased uric acid excretion.

Causes of decreased uric acid excretion:

  • Innate factors: Inherited genes cause a patient's decreased uric acid clearance and decreased excretion.
  • Acquired factors: Obesity, hypertension, metabolic diseases (eg, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, lactic acidosis, diabetic ketosis), drugs (eg, aspirin, thiazide diuretics, cyclosporine).

Causes of increased uric acid production:

  • Innate factors: Genetically related enzyme deficiencies lead to metabolic abnormalities.
  • Acquired factors: Blood disorders (eg, myelodysplasia), strenuous exercise, diet (eg, excessive alcohol consumption, foods and beverages high in fructose, frequent consumption of foods high in purines), taking cytotoxic drugs (eg, chemotherapy drugs).

These habits before bed can help lower uric acid.

Try not to eat late night supper:

It is well known that diet plays an important role in the prevention and treatment of hyperuricemia. In daily life, many foods contain purines, especially animal offal, seafood, mushrooms and soybeans. These purines absorbed from food are called exogenous purines. It makes up about 20% of purines in the body. The human liver metabolizes purines into uric acid, so excessive intake of high-purine foods will increase blood uric acid. Eating late night supper is not only bad for your health. It has a more severe effect on patients with hyperuricemia, especially late night supper that are high in purines. Therefore, it is recommended that patients with hyperuricemia try not to eat late night supper. Even if you have a late night supper, eat foods that are low in purines and light.

Drink some water before bed:

In addition to taking uric acid-lowering drugs to reduce blood uric acid, drinking more water can also effectively reduce uric acid. Clinicians recommend that patients with hyperuricemia should drink plenty of water. Drinking plenty of water is a simple, inexpensive, and side-effect-free way to lower uric acid. Clinicians recommend that you should drink more than 1500ml of water per day. If the patient has urinary uric acid stones, the daily drinking water should be more than 2 liters. This promotes the excretion of more uric acid in the urine. In addition, since most gout attacks occur at night, drinking some water before going to bed can prevent the increase of blood uric acid during long sleep. During sleep, with the loss of blood water, blood uric acid will be concentrated, which will increase the concentration of uric acid. Therefore, hyperuricemia patients and gout patients are especially advised to drink some water before going to bed. In addition to drinking plain water, soda water can also help patients reduce uric acid. Because it alkalizes the urine, this increases the solubility of urate in the urine and promotes the excretion of more uric acid from the body.

Finally, although strenuous exercise may lead to increased uric acid production, moderate exercise can still be beneficial in patients with hyperuricemia (Appropriate stretching exercises can be done before going to bed.). Clinically, it is recommended that patients with hyperuricemia actively engage in aerobic exercise, and at the same time cooperate with muscle resistance training. For patients with gouty arthritis, activities should be reduced during an acute attack, but with the relief of symptoms, reasonable exercise can be performed under the guidance of experts. This is more helpful for the long-term management of uric acid.

Thursday, March 3, 2022

How can you improve heart health from your diet?πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–

The health of the body is closely related to the daily diet, especially some chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease. Eating patterns should not focus on just one nutrient or food, but should emphasize the entire eating pattern. Although nutritional requirements will vary at each stage of life, we should all take care of our heart health. Regardless of your age, a heart-healthy eating pattern can be beneficial. Eating patterns refers to the combination, type and quantity of foods and drinks that individuals often consume in their daily lives. The following dietary recommendations take into account the influence of age, ethnicity, culture, dietary restrictions and taboos on dietary patterns in different populations. It can provide useful dietary guidance to more people. 

The balance of energy expenditure and intake maintains an appropriate body weight.

An unhealthy weight greatly increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Many people in today's society do little exercise and eat a lot. People's energy intake can vary widely based on personal factors such as their gender, age, size, and level of activity. Under normal circumstances, adults reduce their energy requirements by 70 to 100 calories every 10 years, and then adjust the balance of energy intake and expenditure according to the individual's physical activity. This is critical for maintaining a healthy weight.

Eat more vegetables and fruits of different types.

The risk of death is reduced by eating more vegetables and fruits on a daily basis. In order to absorb more comprehensive nutrition, the more types of vegetables and fruits you eat, the better. They provide the body with the nutrients it needs and keep it healthy. Some experts recommend that the brighter the color of vegetables and fruits, the better for the body. It recommends not juicing vegetables or fruits, but eating them whole.

Eat less refined foods and more whole grains.

There are many studies that show that eating refined foods is bad for your health and whole grains are good for your health. Therefore, it is recommended to eat more foods containing at least 51% whole grains.

The source of protein should choose healthy protein.

Plant-based protein provides more health benefits than animal-based protein. Plant-based protein can be obtained from legumes (such as soybeans, lentils, peas, chickpeas, etc.), nuts (such as walnuts, almonds, peanuts, etc.), algae (such as spirulina). In addition, replacing animal food with plant food can also reduce animal breeding, thereby reducing animal carbon emissions and protecting the environment. However, many plant-based foods on the market are processed. They may have added sugar, salt, preservatives, etc. In addition, it also recommends eating more low-fat dairy products (full-fat dairy products should be avoided), fish and shellfish. If you want to eat chicken or red meat, you should choose lean meats and avoid processed meats.

Liquid vegetable oil should be used.

The use of cooking oil should avoid animal oils (such as lard, butter), tropical vegetable oils (such as palm oil, coconut oil) and partially hydrogenated oils. It is recommended to use corn oil, sunflower oil, flaxseed oil, olive oil, peanut oil, canola oil and most nut oils.

Avoid ultra-processed foods and choose for lightly processed foods.

Ultra-processed foods add a lot of salt, sugar, additives, and preservatives to make them taste better. It can cause people overweight, metabolic disorders and other adverse health effects. This increases mortality. Therefore, people should avoid eating too many ultra-processed foods (such as chocolate, ready-to-eat foods, etc.). It is recommended to eat foods with little or no processing.

Sugary diets should be minimized.

Foods and beverages that are high in sugar, whether they contain glucose, fructose or other sweeteners, should be avoided as much as possible. In addition, it also recommends eating less low-energy sweeteners.

Avoid high-salt foods.

Foods high in salt have long been considered bad for heart health. Therefore, it is recommended that people reduce their salt intake. In addition to adding less salt when cooking, you should also pay attention to the salt content of some canned and processed foods. In addition, it may also consider replacing ordinary table salt with potassium-rich salt.

Limit alcohol.

People should avoid alcohol as much as possible. Even if you want to drink, you should try to reduce the amount of alcohol you drink. Alcohol is not only harmful to the cardiovascular system, it can also damage other organs. The risks posed by alcohol also vary by age, gender and amount of intake.

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Some common misconceptions of gout that many people have.πŸ™€πŸ™€πŸ™€

Some people eat too much meat, seafood or drink a lot of alcohol at a
dinner party, and their toes or joints will suddenly experience redness, swelling and pain. Most of this is a gout attack. Many people think that only the elderly develop gout. In fact, gout not only occurs in the elderly, but young people are also at risk of gout. Here are some common misconceptions about gout.

The difference between gout and hyperuricemia.

In fact, gout and hyperuricemia are two different concepts.

Hyperuricemia is defined as serum uric acid levels greater than 420 ΞΌmol/L measured twice on different days in men or women. Hyperuricemia can be divided into three types according to the patient's serum uric acid level and uric acid in urine: too much uric acid production, poor uric acid excretion, and mixed type. About 90% of patients with primary hyperuricemia are caused by poor uric acid excretion.

Gout is due to the deposition of urate crystals, which causes uric acid nephropathy, uric acid nephrolithiasis and gouty arthritis in patients with hyperuricemia. Gout is more commonly referred to as gouty arthritis. When a patient is diagnosed with hyperuricemia, he should be actively treated with medication or lifestyle intervention. This avoids developing gout.

Do only the elderly get gout?

With the improvement of living conditions in today's society, the incidence of hyperuricemia and gout is getting higher and higher, and the patients are also getting younger. Although the incidence of hyperuricemia and gout increases with age, younger people are also at risk. Males have a higher incidence than females.

Serum uric acid levels rise during a gout attack?

Serum uric acid is temporarily reduced because of acute gout attack caused by the deposition of serum uric acid in the joints. At the same time, the acute phase of gout will increase the excretion of uric acid through the kidneys. Therefore, serum uric acid levels do not necessarily increase during a gout attack. 

Does only gout require treatment and hyperuricemia does not require treatment?

In fact, chronically high levels of serum uric acid can cause or worsen damage to many organs. Hyperuricemia is also an independent risk factor for many diseases such as hypertension, diabetes and chronic kidney disease. Therefore, hyperuricemia also requires treatment. The basis for the treatment of hyperuricemia is lifestyle intervention. It is a recommended lifestyle intervention for 3 to 6 months, with the addition of medication if there is no improvement. Additionally, if the patient has a serum uric acid level >540 ΞΌmol/L or has risk factors for cardiovascular disease, drug therapy is recommended.

Can diet alone control serum uric acid?

In the human body, serum uric acid is converted from purines. In general, 80% of serum uric acid is converted from purines in the body, while only 20% is converted from purines in the diet. Therefore, even severely restricting purine intake from the diet can only reduce the conversion of purines to uric acid by about 20%. Serum uric acid is not well controlled by diet alone.

Diet control means not eating meat and eating more fruits and vegetables?

Dietary control includes a low-purine diet, drinking more water, and limiting alcohol.

  • Low-purine diet: Patients should limit total daily calorie intake and eat a balanced diet. Limit consumption of high-purine foods such as seafood, meat, and organ meats. Eat more foods such as eggs, fresh vegetables, and low-fat or skim milk. Beans and soy products should be consumed in moderation. Some studies have pointed out that some high-purine vegetables such as spinach and mushrooms have no significant correlation with hyperuricemia and gout attacks. In addition, patients should maintain good eating habits and avoid overeating.
  • Drinking more water: Drinking plenty of water can reduce the symptoms and duration of gout attacks. Patients with normal heart and kidney function are advised to drink plenty of water. Daily urine output should be maintained at 2000 to 3000ml. Avoid sugar-sweetened beverages or high-fructose fruit juices such as apple juice and orange juice. It is recommended to consume fresh fruits such as strawberries, peaches, and cherries that are low in fructose. In addition, proper alkalization of urine (pH of 6.2 to 6.9) can facilitate the dissolution and excretion of urate crystals.
  • Limiting alcohol: It is recommended to drink ≤2 alcohol units/day for men and ≤1 alcohol unit/day for women. (1 alcohol unit is about 14g pure alcohol. It is equivalent to 145ml of red wine at 12°, 497ml of beer at 3.5°, and 43ml of distilled wine at 40°)

Is more exercise better?

Regular exercise can reduce gout attacks, but more often or harder is not necessarily better. In addition, activities should be reduced during acute gout attacks. It is recommended to do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week (about 30 minutes per day, 5 days a week). Moderate-intensity means heart rate during exercise = (220 - age) × 50% to (220 - age) × 70%. Strenuous exercise may trigger acute gout attacks. Lifestyle interventions also include smoking cessation and weight control.

Are the treatments all the same? Can the medication be stopped once the pain is relieved?

Treatment regimens require individualized dose titration and long-term management.

Gout treatment is divided into two types: acute treatment and uric acid-lowering treatment. 

  1. Colchicine, NSAIDs, and glucocorticoids are used in the acute phase. Continuous use of low-dose colchicine or NSAIDs for 6 months is effective in preventing acute gout attacks. If the patient is intolerant, has contraindications or has no effect, it can be switched to continuous use of low-dose glucocorticoids for 6 months.
  2. Uric acid-lowering therapy is a long-term treatment process that gradually reduces serum uric acid to the target range. Allopurinol and febuxostat inhibit the production of uric acid. Probenecid and benzbromarone promote uric acid excretion. They are commonly used uric acid-lowering drugs. Uric acid-lowering drugs should be selected according to the type of hyperuricemia of the patient.

Is uric acid down to normal enough?

Serum uric acid should be reduced to <360 ΞΌmol/L in patients with hyperuricemia. For gout patients, it is recommended to reduce serum uric acid to <300 ΞΌmol/L. This prevents gout from recurring.

Patients with hyperuricemia and gout should maintain a healthy lifestyle and choose appropriate drug therapy. Regularly check uric acid and adjust the serum uric acid level to the target value as soon as possible.

Saturday, February 26, 2022

What should you do if your teeth hurt when you drink cold drinks?πŸ‘„πŸ‘„πŸ‘„

Many people like to drink cold drinks and eat ice cream, but these can make your teeth sore. What's the problem? Is it a cavity? What can you do to improve the situation?

There are many reasons why your teeth may feel sore when you drink cold drinks. The best way is of course to go to a dentist for diagnosis and treatment.

A tooth is actually a closed structure. The ones that are exposed outside the gums are called crowns. Its surface is a hard layer of enamel and the inside is dentin. Below the gums are the roots. From outside to inside, the root is cementum and dentin, respectively. At the innermost part of the entire tooth there is a cavity called the pulp cavity. The pulp cavity contains blood vessels, nerves, lymph and other accessory tissues.

Normally, enamel and dentin protect the nerves of the tooth. They help the nerves of the teeth resist various external stimuli. However, when the enamel and dentin are damaged by abrasion, chipping, cracking, caries and allergies, the nerves of the teeth are forced to be exposed. At this time, when you drink cold drinks or eat ice cream, the tooth nerve will be stimulated and feel sore. 

In addition, there are some people will feel their tooth is sore when they eat or drink some cold things after they had teeth cleanings. However, these symptoms usually resolve on their own within a short period of time. 

After the diagnosis of the cause by a dentist, the appropriate treatment plan is selected according to the cause. In addition to the dentist's treatment, patients should also do the following in their daily life:

  1. Try to avoid foods that are too cold, too hot, too sweet, too sour, and too hard.
  2. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and brush with warm water.
  3. When brushing your teeth, you should not brush too hard.

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Several foods that are good for the liver.πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

The liver is an important organ of the human body. It plays an important role in human physiology and life activities. It is also one of the largest and most functional organs in the human body. The liver is the center of human metabolism and the largest organ of the digestive glands. It plays an irreplaceable role in the catabolism of sugar, fat, protein and other substances and the storage of glycogen. The liver is also an important detoxification organ in the human body. During human metabolism, blood flows from the abdominal cavity to the liver through the portal vein. Microorganisms and harmful substances contained in the blood are metabolized and detoxified in the liver into more water-soluble or non-toxic substances. These metabolites are then excreted in bile or urine. If the liver is diseased, it can lead to impaired liver function. When the liver function is damaged, the body's material metabolism will be disordered. It may cause metabolic diseases such as diabetes and hyperlipidemia. Therefore, it is important to keep the liver healthy. Eat these foods regularly to keep your liver healthy.

1. Coffee.

Studies have shown that coffee can prevent fatty liver and be beneficial to the liver. Drinking coffee every day can effectively reduce the risk of chronic hepatitis, thereby preventing liver cancer. It increases liver transaminases and antioxidant levels. This reduces fat accumulation in the liver and helps remove carcinogens.

2. Oat.

Oatmeal is one of the easiest and most convenient foods to consume dietary fiber. Dietary fiber can help the body digest food very well. Oats are also rich in Ξ²-glucan. It has high biological activity in the human body. It promotes the regulation of the immune system to fight inflammation more effectively. Studies have shown that the Ξ²-glucan in oats can reduce the amount of fat stored in the liver of mice and play a role in protecting the liver. In addition, it may also be effective in the treatment of diabetes and obesity.

3. Green tea.

Green tea has long been thought to have weight loss benefits. This effect has also been confirmed by many studies. Studies have pointed out that green tea has antioxidant effects, reduced body fat absorption and symptoms associated with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

4. Garlic.

Garlic gets the most attention for its anticancer abilities. However, it also has the effect of protecting the liver. In the daily diet, people should eat garlic properly.

5. Grape.

Grapes, grape juice and grape seeds have all been found to be rich in antioxidants. It protects the liver by preventing liver damage and reducing inflammation.

6. Grapefruit.

Naringin and naringenin are the two major antioxidants found in grapefruit. They can protect liver cells and reduce inflammation to prevent liver damage. They can also prevent fat from accumulating in the liver and reduce symptoms of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

7. Berry.

Polyphenols are found in many dark berries, such as cranberries, raspberries, and blueberries. It is also an antioxidant. Studies have shown that regular consumption of berries can boost immunity and help prevent liver damage.

8. Other fruits and vegetables that are good for the liver.

Studies have shown that these fruits and vegetables are good for the liver:

  • Avocado.
  • Banana.
  • Ficus carica.
  • Cactus fruit.
  • Lemon.
  • Pawpaw.
  • Watermelon.
  • Radish.
  • Beets and beet juice.
  • Broccoli.
  • Kale.
  • Barley.
  • Brown rice.

9. Nut.

Most nuts contain a variety of antioxidants, vitamin E, and unsaturated fatty acids. These substances can reduce inflammation and help prevent non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. This has also been confirmed that nuts can protect the liver. Eating the right amount of almonds, walnuts and other nuts every day can prevent liver disease. However, nuts are high in fat and should not be eaten in excess.

10. Olive oil.

Studies have pointed out that olive oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids. It can help reduce the occurrence of oxidative stress and improve liver function. Adding olive oil to food can prevent excess fat intake and prevent liver damage.

11. Deep sea fish.

Deep-sea fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. It prevents inflammation and excess fat from accumulating in the liver. It also maintains adequate levels of transaminases in the liver. Studies have shown that consuming deep-sea fish or fish oil supplements can be effective in preventing liver disease. It also recommends eating deep-sea fish no less than 2 times a week. If you don't like eating fish, you might consider taking a fish oil supplement.

In addition, you should avoid eating too many foods that are harmful to the liver:

  • Starchy foods: such as bread, cakes or baked goods.
  • High-fat foods: such as fried foods, fatty meat, etc.
  • Sugar: Excessive sugar intake should be avoided to reduce the stress on liver metabolism.
  • Salt: Avoid too much salt intake. Processed foods such as sausage and bacon should be avoided.
  • Alcohol.

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