Showing posts with label Immune system. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Immune system. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Your immunity is starting to decline when you have these symptoms.πŸ“‰πŸ“‰πŸ“‰

Low immunity is a very troublesome problem. It makes ordinary people more susceptible to illness. In cancer patients, low immunity is even more troublesome and they are also more often low immunity. When the immune system is weakened, cancer patients may not be able to tolerate subsequent treatments. Their pain will increases and the quality of life decreases. In severe cases, it will directly threaten the life of the patient. How can we find out if the immune level is low? Isn't the stronger the immune system the better? How can cancer patients improve their immunity?

Is the stronger the immunity better?

It is generally believed that the stronger the immunity, the better effect of cancer treatment. However, in some types of cancer immunotherapy, some patients with stronger immunity have lower response rates. Therefore, a stronger immune system may obstruct immunotherapy. In addition, some studies have found that the tumor cells of patients with strong immunity do not exhibit self-antigen variation at the beginning. The major histocompatibility complex cannot transmit the signal to the immune system to remove cancer cells. Immunotherapy of tumors is limited. Therefore, too high or too low immunity will cause immune damage. Both will be harmful to the human body. Only moderate immunity is best for the human body.

If you have these symptoms, your immunity is starting to decline.

Frequent colds: People with weakened immune systems are vulnerable to the virus. They become prone to colds. And also with colds, they always recover slower than others.

Difficulty healing wounds: Usually the body is scratched, the normal people can heal and recover in a few days. The wounds of people with weakened immune systems are easily infected. It cause redness, swelling and pus. The wound heals more slowly.

Tired easily: Cancer-related fatigue occurs in cancer patients, which is easily confused with fatigue caused by a weakened immune system. It needs attention when the patient has abnormal fatigue.

Poor gastrointestinal function: Patients with low immunity also often have poor gastrointestinal function. It mainly manifests as indigestion, diarrhea, constipation, and even unexplained vomiting and diarrhea.

How to better improve immunity?

During the treatment of tumor patients, the toxic and side effects of chemotherapy drugs, radiation exposure, surgical trauma, psychological pressure, anxiety, etc. will affect the immune function of the body. They cause decreased immunity. So, how can we improve immunity effectively?

Eat a reasonable diet.

When you ensure a balanced nutritional intake, this can help strengthen your immune system to fight bacterial and viral attacks. 

  1. Ensure protein intake. Proteins can not only provide raw materials for the regeneration and repair of immune cells, antibodies and mucosal tissues, but also synergize with carbohydrates to promote the repair of the body. It is recommended to consume high-quality protein foods such as fish, shrimp, lean meat, eggs, milk, and soybeans every day. Try to ensure 1 egg per day, 300 grams of milk and dairy products.
  2. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. It is recommended to consume more than 500 grams of vegetables and 200-350 grams of fruits per day. Kiwi fruits, strawberries and citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C. They can assist the immune system and improve resistance.
  3. Drink enough water to promote metabolism. The daily water intake should be 1500-2000 ml, several times and a small amount. It is recommended to drink boiled water or light tea. It is recommended not to drink or drink less sugary drinks.

Ensure enough sleep.

The human body produces sleep factors during sleep. These factors promote leukocytosis, activation of macrophages and enhanced liver detoxification, thereby eliminating invading bacteria and viruses. From 11:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. is a person’s deep sleep period. It is recommended to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep every day.

Proper exercise.

Proper exercise is a great way to enhance your immunity. Many aerobic exercises such as squats, push-ups, sit-ups, jogging, are good choices. However, exercise does not immediately boost immunity. It takes about 12 weeks of continuous exercise before the number of immune cells begins to increase.

Keep a good attitude.

Negative emotions such as stress and depression can promote the secretion of adrenal cortex hormones. This can lead to decreased immunity. Abdominal breathing can regulate a person's autonomic nervous system and is a good way to overcome negative emotions.

  • Abdominal breathing: Stand with feet open, knees slightly bent, and hands on abdomen. When you inhale, your belly bulges. When you exhale, your belly retract and exhale slowly. Practice 6 minutes each morning, noon and night.

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