Showing posts with label Constipation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Constipation. Show all posts

Thursday, January 6, 2022

People with constipation can eat more these foods.🌿🌿🌿

Constipation means that you have fewer bowel movements than normal. The stool will be dry and hard, and it will be difficult to defecate. Normal people usually defecate 1-2 times a day or once every 1-2 days. People with constipation generally have less than 3 times a week. It is one of the common problems of modern people. Even if it is not long-term constipation, most people will have tried to have poor bowel movements. Failure to excrete stool will not only make you feel bloated and uncomfortable. Constipation will increase the time you spend sitting on the toilet. If it takes too long, it will easily cause problems such as hemorrhoids. Frequent use of laxatives or enema can cause dependence. Therefore, the following will introduce some foods that can help defecation and relieve constipation.

1. Sweet potato leaves.

Sweet potato leaves were generally used as food for livestock in the past, but now it has become a popular healthy food. The most prominent function of sweet potato leaves is to help defecate. Sweet potato leaves are rich in dietary fiber. It can speed up the movement of food in the intestines and stomach and has the effect of cleaning the intestines. In addition, the nutrition of sweet potato leaves should not be underestimated. Compared with common vegetables, the content of minerals and vitamins in sweet potato leaves are superior, and the carotene content is even higher than that of carrots. It is worth mentioning that sweet potato leaves are rich in flavonoids. Flavonoids can combine with oxygen free radicals in the human body. This makes it have a variety of health effects such as anti-oxidation, improving human immunity, delaying aging, and preventing cancer.

2. Kelp.

Kelp is rich in polysaccharides and dietary fiber. It can promote stomach movements and bowel movements, prevent the reabsorption of bile acids, and make them excrete with feces. In addition, kelp is also rich in iodine. This is a very good food for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the iodine requirement has increased by about twice as compared to usual, that is, the daily requirement is more than 200 micrograms. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the iodine requirement has increased by about twice as compared to usual, that is, the daily requirement is more than 200 micrograms. Iodine supplementation through diet is the most useful. During this period, they can eat kelp, seaweed or other algae one more time a week.

In addition, when washing kelp, it should not be soaked for too long. The iodine, mannitol, potassium and vitamins in kelp are all in the epidermis of kelp. If it is soaked for too long, the nutrients will tend to be particularly lost. After the dried kelp is moistened with water, wash the soil and cook immediately instead of soaking it in water. If it is soaked after washing, the soaking water and kelp should be cooked together.

3. Dragon fruit.

Dragon fruit is a kind of fruit that can help defecation very much. Each 100 grams of white dragon fruit contains about 2 grams of dietary fiber. This exceeds the 1.2 grams contained in bananas and the 1.6 grams contained in apples. The dietary fiber can promote gastrointestinal motility and bowel movements. It leads to help defecation and relieve constipation. Therefore, if people with constipation eat more dragon fruit, they can alleviate the problem of constipation.

4. Oat.

The most prominent nutrient in oats is its rich Ξ²-glucan. It is a soluble dietary fiber. Oat can promote gastrointestinal motility and help defecation. Moreover, after people ate oatmeal, it will make them feel full easier. It has the effect of weight loss. However, there are many kinds of oat on the market, which one should you choose? It is generally recommended to consume the original oatmeal. Although instant oatmeal is more convenient and delicious to eat, it is more recommended to consume original oatmeal in terms of nutrition. The original oatmeal has a poor taste, needs to be cooked, and is troublesome to eat. However, the original oatmeal retains almost all the nutrients of oats. It does not add other substances, such as flavoring agents, preservatives, etc. This is more conducive to human health.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

People who go to the toilet and play with mobile phones should pay attention.😐😐😐

The toilet was supposed to be a place to defecate, but with the popularity of smartphones, more and more people like to play with their phones while going to the toilet. Especially young people, many of them take out their phones to play games, watch videos and use social apps as soon as they go to the toilet. It always takes more than half an hour to go to the toilet. In fact, this is not only unsanitary, but also harmful to health.

1. Cause constipation.

The seemingly simple movement of defecation requires the coordination and participation of more than 100 muscles in the body, and the whole process is finely regulated by the brain. If you focus too much on your phone during defecation, you cannot concentrate on defecation. It will reduce the brain's precise control of the small muscles, thereby disrupting normal bowel movements. Over time, it is more likely to cause habitual constipation and even the anus becomes weakened. It will be difficult to feel the bowel movement.

2. Sitting in the toilet for too long can cause hemorrhoids and even bowel cancer.

Going to the toilet and playing on the phone, time passes very quickly. The things that can be done in a few minutes will be stretched to tens of minutes or even an hour. 

Sitting in the toilet for too long will lead to obstruction of pelvic venous blood return, induce hemorrhoids and even lose the rectal sensitivity to fecal stimulation. It will cause habitual constipation and may severely induce bowel cancer.

3. The longer you sit, the easier your legs will numb.

The longer you sit, it will cause poor blood circulation in the legs and affect the normal conduction of nerves. Peripheral nerves are compressed, and the stimulation cannot be transmitted to the brain accurately and in time, which will make people feel numb in the legs and feet. This will make it difficult for you to even stand up. 

4. Causes hypoxia in the brain and heart.

Since the toilet is a closed environment, staying in it for a long time can also cause hypoxia in the brain and heart. People with cardiovascular disease who suddenly stand up after squatting for a long time are also prone to transient cerebral ischemia, fainting with orthostatic hypotension and even sudden death.

5. Economic crisis

If the phone is unfortunately dropped into the toilet, would you still use it or take it for repair? It is not cheap to buy a new phone.😭

Moreover, playing with mobile phones in the toilet is really dirty. There are many bacteria in the toilet, which may take the opportunity to attach to the mobile phone and spread diseases. Therefore, playing with mobile phones in the toilet is harmful to no benefit. 

In addition to playing with mobile phones, there are also ways to make mistakes when going to the toilet.

1. Excessive force when defecation.

Some people are constipated, so in order to defecate, they will use a lot of pressure to compress the abdomen. This is actually very dangerous. When the force is exerted, the related muscles will also be exerted, so that the abdominal pressure and blood pressure will rise accordingly. For people with related heart diseases, it is even more likely to make the heart beat faster and increase the oxygen consumption of the heart machine. In severe cases, it may even induce myocardial infarction.

2. Wrong direction of wiping butt.

Should you wipe your butt "from front to back" or "from back to front" after going to the toilet? The correct approach is "from front to back". If you wipe your butt "from back to front", you should change it. Because there are vagina and urethra in front of the anus, if you wipe it from the back to the front, the stool will be wiped on them. Moreover, the defense of the vagina and urethra against germs is much lower than that of the anus. It is easy to be infected. Especially women, regardless of whether they urinate or defecate, they should wipe from the front to the back. Because the male urethra is far away from the anus, the wiping method is not too particular, just follow the habit.

3. Get up too fast after sitting for a long time.

If you sit in the toilet for too long, you can easily get dizzy if you suddenly stand up. Especially for patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, it is very dangerous. Standing up after sitting on the toilet for a long time may induce transient cerebral ischemia, leading to accidents such as fainting and fractures. The older you are, the more likely you are to get injured.

Saturday, November 27, 2021

What should I do if my child is often constipated?πŸ‘¦πŸ‘§

Children have irregular bowel movements and it is very difficult to defecate. What should you do? In fact, constipation in children is very common. If the child's body has no major problems after the examination, it is probably related to improper diet or intestinal dysfunction. This situation can often be resolved by adjusting the children's diet. But how should we adjust the details? The following will explain a little.

Can children with constipation take medicine?

For children with constipation, the most effective and recommended treatment is non-drug methods. It mainly recommend to improve the coordination between the abdomen and pelvic floor muscle tissue. If the child takes laxatives too early, the child may continue to have symptoms of constipation. In fact, there are many reasons for children's constipation, which may be caused by abnormal diet, lack of water, insufficient exercise or intestinal diseases. It is more important to find out the cause of constipation for children's constipation than to use stool laxatives.

First of all, we should observe whether the child has a partial eclipse habit?

Children often have partial eating habits, such as eating only meat, not eating vegetables, drinking very little water every day, or eating snacks instead of regular meals. Children who have a partial eclipse should find ways to encourage them to eat more fruits and vegetables such as making fruits and vegetables into interesting patterns to attract children to eat. You should also try to make children drink more water every day. Children over 1 year old should drink more than 1000 ml of water per day. And you should not let children drink juice or milk instead of drinking water.

In addition, you can try to help your child develop a habit of defecation on time.

If the child does not have the habit of defecation on time, try to help him develop it. For example, let the child sit on the toilet for 5-10 minutes within 20-30 minutes after eating, 1-2 times a day to help the child develop the habit of defecation on time. Especially after breakfast, children are more likely to defecate. 

Posture: When going to the toilet, children should sit with their feet supported and the knees just above the hips. You can use a small stool or a book to achieve this posture.

Breathing training: Breathing training is very helpful to improve the muscles of the pelvic floor and can relax the anal sphincter. It is recommended to teach children to practice the movements of blowing candles and smelling flowers. It can prevent children from holding their breath during defecation.

Regular exercise can also strengthen the child's core strength and accelerate the peristalsis of the intestines.

Adjust the digestive function of the child's gastrointestinal tract.

When children have problems with defecation and indigestion, you can supplement with probiotics to increase the good bacteria in the intestinal tract. When you select probiotics, you can choose Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium species to help adjust the intestinal function. Probiotics can added to warm water for drinking, but the water temperature should not exceed 40°C. At the same time, this can increase the child's drinking water. 

πŸ‘‰If you have tried all of the above methods and the children's constipation has not improved. You are advised to seek medical attention.

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