Thursday, December 2, 2021

People who go to the toilet and play with mobile phones should pay attention.😐😐😐

The toilet was supposed to be a place to defecate, but with the popularity of smartphones, more and more people like to play with their phones while going to the toilet. Especially young people, many of them take out their phones to play games, watch videos and use social apps as soon as they go to the toilet. It always takes more than half an hour to go to the toilet. In fact, this is not only unsanitary, but also harmful to health.

1. Cause constipation.

The seemingly simple movement of defecation requires the coordination and participation of more than 100 muscles in the body, and the whole process is finely regulated by the brain. If you focus too much on your phone during defecation, you cannot concentrate on defecation. It will reduce the brain's precise control of the small muscles, thereby disrupting normal bowel movements. Over time, it is more likely to cause habitual constipation and even the anus becomes weakened. It will be difficult to feel the bowel movement.

2. Sitting in the toilet for too long can cause hemorrhoids and even bowel cancer.

Going to the toilet and playing on the phone, time passes very quickly. The things that can be done in a few minutes will be stretched to tens of minutes or even an hour. 

Sitting in the toilet for too long will lead to obstruction of pelvic venous blood return, induce hemorrhoids and even lose the rectal sensitivity to fecal stimulation. It will cause habitual constipation and may severely induce bowel cancer.

3. The longer you sit, the easier your legs will numb.

The longer you sit, it will cause poor blood circulation in the legs and affect the normal conduction of nerves. Peripheral nerves are compressed, and the stimulation cannot be transmitted to the brain accurately and in time, which will make people feel numb in the legs and feet. This will make it difficult for you to even stand up. 

4. Causes hypoxia in the brain and heart.

Since the toilet is a closed environment, staying in it for a long time can also cause hypoxia in the brain and heart. People with cardiovascular disease who suddenly stand up after squatting for a long time are also prone to transient cerebral ischemia, fainting with orthostatic hypotension and even sudden death.

5. Economic crisis

If the phone is unfortunately dropped into the toilet, would you still use it or take it for repair? It is not cheap to buy a new phone.😭

Moreover, playing with mobile phones in the toilet is really dirty. There are many bacteria in the toilet, which may take the opportunity to attach to the mobile phone and spread diseases. Therefore, playing with mobile phones in the toilet is harmful to no benefit. 

In addition to playing with mobile phones, there are also ways to make mistakes when going to the toilet.

1. Excessive force when defecation.

Some people are constipated, so in order to defecate, they will use a lot of pressure to compress the abdomen. This is actually very dangerous. When the force is exerted, the related muscles will also be exerted, so that the abdominal pressure and blood pressure will rise accordingly. For people with related heart diseases, it is even more likely to make the heart beat faster and increase the oxygen consumption of the heart machine. In severe cases, it may even induce myocardial infarction.

2. Wrong direction of wiping butt.

Should you wipe your butt "from front to back" or "from back to front" after going to the toilet? The correct approach is "from front to back". If you wipe your butt "from back to front", you should change it. Because there are vagina and urethra in front of the anus, if you wipe it from the back to the front, the stool will be wiped on them. Moreover, the defense of the vagina and urethra against germs is much lower than that of the anus. It is easy to be infected. Especially women, regardless of whether they urinate or defecate, they should wipe from the front to the back. Because the male urethra is far away from the anus, the wiping method is not too particular, just follow the habit.

3. Get up too fast after sitting for a long time.

If you sit in the toilet for too long, you can easily get dizzy if you suddenly stand up. Especially for patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, it is very dangerous. Standing up after sitting on the toilet for a long time may induce transient cerebral ischemia, leading to accidents such as fainting and fractures. The older you are, the more likely you are to get injured.


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