Friday, December 17, 2021

Some habits of getting up may be harmful to your health.πŸ‘ΏπŸ‘ΏπŸ‘Ώ

Studies have shown that about 40% of myocardial infarction and 29% of sudden cardiac death occur in the early morning. This is because blood pressure rises rapidly in the early morning hours. From 6 to 10 in the morning, the blood pressure of most people will reach the highest level in a day, and the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases is directly related to the increase in blood pressure in the morning. Therefore, some habits of waking up may induce these risks.

1. Alarm clock is too loud.

Most people wake up by an alarm clock. The sound of the alarm clock will stimulate the nerves and physiology of the human body, thereby interrupting normal sleep and awakening people. However, if this sound is too loud, it will cause the body's protective conditioned reflex and increase the body's adrenaline level. If things go on like this, it may lead to a series of problems such as high blood pressure and mental depression. Especially middle-aged and elderly people with heart disease and high blood pressure, if they wake up suddenly in their sleep, they are prone to nervousness, vasoconstriction and increased blood pressure. In severe cases, they may even lead to heart attack or cerebral infarction.

Therefore, the sound of the alarm clock should be as soft as possible or music, which is less irritating. Older people sleep more lightly, so they don't need an alarm clock. If there are special circumstances, they need to get up early to go out, so that their family members can wake them up quietly.

2. Get up too rapid.

As soon as the alarm sounds, get up quickly to go to the toilet or wash to catch up with work. This practice is bad for the body. When a person is sleeping, the cerebral cortex is in a dormant, inhibited state. Various physiological functions maintain low-speed operation, lower metabolic level, slower heartbeat, lower blood pressure, etc. 

When you wake up, if you get up immediately, the body's various functions have not been functioning normally. For example, the blood flow is relatively slow, and oxygen cannot be delivered to the brain in time. This is prone to dizziness, vertigo and other discomforts. If you are middle-aged and elderly people, you are also prone to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular risks. In addition, the neck muscles are in a relaxed state after a night of rest. If you get up hard, it is easy to damage the neck muscles, fascia and ligaments.

Getting up should be slow and soft.

3. Do not eat breakfast.

After one night, the stomach is emptied. If there is no food to supplement in time, stomach acid and various digestive enzymes will digest the gastric mucosa. If this happens, you will be prone to gastritis, gastric ulcer and other diseases. In addition, skipping breakfast for a long time will also cause low-density lipoproteins to deposit on the inner walls of blood vessels. This can lead to arteriosclerosis. A large number of studies believe that skipping breakfast is related to obesity, diabetes, and gallstones.

Every day after waking up, you should have breakfast.

4. Forced bowel movements.

Get up in the morning and want to go to the toilet to defecate. But you are about to be late for work, so you have to repeatedly forced bowel movements, try hard and try to finish quickly and leave home quickly. This is not good for your health. Because of forced defecation, the intestinal tract's ability to actively contract during defecation will be weakened. This can cause or aggravate constipation, hemorrhoids, and even cause anal prolapse. In addition, when people defecate, their blood pressure tends to rise. Excessive force can easily cause abdominal pressure to increase sharply, and blood pressure will increase, heartbeat will increase, and myocardial oxygen consumption will increase, which may induce severe acute ischemia and even myocardial infarction. Therefore, when you wake up in the morning to defecate, you must relax. If you have difficulty defecation, try abdominal breathing.

Abdominal breathing: When you breathe in, you bulge your belly, and when you breathe out, your belly dents. Inhale and exhale, pay attention to the slow rhythm, which can activate the spleen and stomach in the abdomen, promote intestinal peristalsis, and smooth defecation.

5. Strenuous exercise.

Many people like to go for a run in the nearby park after getting up, get some fresh air, and then come back to take a shower and eat breakfast. It looks good, but it is not recommended. According to statistics, among the sudden deaths from exercise in the elderly, the number one is the sudden death from exercise in the morning. This is because the blood viscosity of the human body in the morning is relatively large, the flow is not smooth, and too vigorous exercise can easily induce cardiovascular attacks.

It is recommended not to do such strenuous exercise in the morning exercise, especially for middle-aged and elderly people. Just take a walk and practice yoga after getting up.


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