Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Some seemingly good health habits are actually harmful to health.πŸ˜–πŸ˜–πŸ˜–

Some good health habits are good for health in themselves. However, some people make these habits wrong. Not only is it not good for health, but it is harmful to health. Here are some good habits that are often made wrong.

1. Drink a glass of light salt water after getting up.

Drinking a glass of water in the morning can not only replenish the water lost during sleep, but also reduce blood viscosity and promote blood circulation. Especially like the dry season now, you should drink water in time. 

However, some people will add a small amount of table salt to the water. They think that it can help defecation and anti-inflammatory and sterilization. First of all, table salt is a common condiment. It does not help defecation and sterilization. In addition, drinking light salt water in the morning may aggravate dehydration. In the process of sleeping, people consume a lot of water. Therefore, after getting up, the blood is in a concentrated state. Drinking light salt water at this time will aggravate dehydration and make people feel more thirsty. Moreover, the morning is the first peak of human blood pressure. Drinking light salt water at this time will make blood pressure higher and increase the burden on the heart. In addition, excessive salt intake can cause many harms such as accelerating calcium loss, increasing the burden on the kidneys and even causing kidney disease.

Therefore, It is recommended to drink a glass of warm water in the morning and other drinks are not recommended.

2. Take a walk after a meal.

After eating, it is best to rest for 20-30 minutes before going out for a walk.

The previous article has a detailed explanation. If you want to know more, click

πŸ‘‰Is it correct to sit or take a walk after a meal?

3. Soak your feet before going to bed.

It's suitable for soaking your feet in winter, which not only keeps you warm, but also relieves fatigue and helps you sleep. Moreover, soaking feet is particularly comfortable and many people are reluctant to get up after soaking.

However, if you soak your feet for too long, it may be harmful to your health. When the feet are soaked, the blood of the whole body will accelerate the circulation to the lower body until the soles of the feet. If the soaking time is too long, it will increase the burden on the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular. Especially for people with cardiovascular disease, it will lead to insufficient blood supply to the brain and heart. It can cause the symptoms such as dizziness, dizziness and even lead to accidents. In addition, soaking feet can also cause local blood vessels to dilate. People with vascular diseases should avoid to soak their feet to avoid accidents.

4. Take a hot bath before going to bed.

Many people think that taking a hot bath before going to bed makes their whole body warm, comfortable and it can help sleep. But actually taking a hot bath before going to bed not only does not help you sleep, it can also make it difficult for you to fall asleep. 

A drop in body temperature is a good state of sleep. When people are just after taking a hot bath, the body temperature will rise and it is not suitable for sleeping right away. Many people tend to feel more energetic after taking a hot bath, which can make people unable to sleep.

Therefore, it is recommended that you take a bath 1.5 to 2 hours before going to bed to increase your body temperature. Then, the body automatically adjusts the temperature. After about 2 hours, the body temperature drops and causing drowsiness. In addition, do not wear too much when sleeping, otherwise it will easily increase the body temperature and affect sleep. It is recommended to wear thin clothes to sleep.

5. Drink double-boiled soup to supplement nutrition in winter.

In China, many people drink double-boiled soup to supplement their nutrition in winter. Double-boiled soup usually takes 3 hours to boil the soup and 4 hours to simmer. Many people also think that the longer the soup cooks, the more nutritious it will be. However, if the soup is cooked for too long, the fat and purine content in the soup is very high, which can easily cause diseases such as high blood pressure and gout. If vegetables are added to the soup, cooking for too long will cause the nutrients in the vegetables to be lost. In addition, the potassium and oxalate content in the soup is increased. Long-term drinking will increase the risk of kidney stones.

The meat soup is boiled for about 1 hour and the longest is no more than 2 hours. The fish soup time is controlled within 1 hour. Normal people should not drink double-boiled soup more than 3 times a week. People who are obese or suffering from cardiovascular or kidney disease should drink less.


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