Friday, December 31, 2021

5 bad habits that damage your health.πŸ’£πŸ’£πŸ’£

Good health is the wish of many people. But everyone's different ways of living and eating will have different effects on their health. In daily life, there are several common bad habits that may be causing harm to your health.

1. Taking medicine indiscriminately.

Modern people pay more and more attention to health. Many people, even if they are healthy, will take some herbal medicines and health care products that are good for their health. Although this idea is good, all medicines have certain side effects. The most common side effect is damage to the liver. The liver is the most important detoxification organ of the human body. It is the most important organ for drug concentration, transformation and metabolism. Most drugs are metabolized by the liver, and herbal medicines and health products are no exception. Once these drugs or their metabolites have a certain degree of toxicity, the liver will be the first to suffer damage. It can cause liver damage such as inflammation of liver tissue cells and cholestasis. Moreover, this kind of injury is often very complicated, including almost all types of liver disease. Once the liver is damaged, it will affect people's health. Therefore, you should not take medicine indiscriminately. If you feel unwell, you should go to the hospital as soon as possible. Don't deal with it by your own experience.

2. Smoking and drinking.

Smoking and drinking have a great impact on health. Heart health is one of them. For example, smoking can easily cause vasculitis, increase blood pressure, blood lipids, and even cause blood clots. Current research has also found that there are as many as 93 specific toxic substances contained in cigarettes and 78 specific carcinogens. In addition to the well-known lung cancer, cigarette-related cancers include bladder cancer, pancreatic cancer, colorectal cancer, and so on. Excessive drinking also has many health risks, including obesity, liver damage and even cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents. Ethanol in alcohol and its metabolite acetaldehyde are carcinogens, which can make cancer cells more aggressive and spread throughout the body. They are important causes of cancers such as liver cancer, oral cancer, esophageal cancer, and gastric cancer. Therefore, if you want to live healthier, it is better to quit smoking and quit bars.

3. Stay up late.

Many people think that staying up late is just a lack of energy, poor skin, and dark circles under the eyes. In fact, the harm of staying up late is far more than that. People who often stay up late are more likely to get cancer. There are proto-oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes in the human body. Proto-oncogenes are the type that may stimulate the potential of cells to become cancerous. Tumor suppressor gene is to suppress tumor production. When people have some bad habits, such as often staying up late, proto-oncogenes may be activated and tumor suppressor genes may become weaker. Cancer cells will appear. Studies have shown that women who have worked night shifts for more than 30 years are twice as likely to develop breast cancer.

4. Long sitting.

Modern people are busy at work. Many people go to work in the morning and sit for a day. If they have to sit long time, they will have problems with their bodies. The damage to people's health caused by long sitting can be whole body, such as stiffness of the cervical spine, damage to the normal physiological curvature of the spine, arched back or bone hyperplasia, increased risk of hemorrhoids and so on. 

For men, long sitting will cause venous blood to accumulate in the scrotum and increase the temperature of the testicles. This results in venous masses on the surface of the scrotum, which affects spermatogenesis. In severe cases, it may also lead to infertility.

For women, long sitting is more harmful than men. Studies have pointed out that as long as women sit for more than 6 hours a day, the risk of dying early from various diseases is 37% higher than that of people who sit less than 3 hours a day, while men are 18% more likely to die.

5. Be in bad mood for a long time.

Modern people are under pressure in life and busy at work. They often don't have time to relax. If they don't pay attention, they are easily trapped in bad emotions. The World Health Organization once pointed out: By the middle of the 21st century, no disaster will bring people as much pain as a psychological crisis. Clinical statistics show that psychosomatic diseases caused by psychological and emotional factors account for up to 80-90% of the total number of patients. It can be seen that the negative emotions and excessive emotions of human beings are the main factors that threaten the physical and mental health of human.


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