Tuesday, December 14, 2021

The benefits of several vegetables.🍱🍱🍱

Everyone knows that eating more vegetables is good for your health. But not everyone knows what is good. Now let's introduce the benefits of several vegetables.

1. Cabbage-Good for stomach.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that cabbage is calm in nature and sweet in taste. It belongs to the spleen and stomach meridians. It can clear away heat and relieve pain, moisturize the viscera, and relieve the pain of the gastric cavity. Nutrition believes that the vitamin K1 and vitamin U contained in cabbage can promote the metabolism of the gastric mucosa, and to a certain extent can protect the gastrointestinal mucosa and repair damaged gastrointestinal tissues.

There are many ways to cook cabbage. Among them, fried cabbage is considered to be more nutritious. However, don't stir-fry the cabbage for too long when it is stir-frying, otherwise it will not only taste bad, but also a lot of nutrients will be lost.

2. Eggplant-Weight loss.

Eggplant itself is a low-fat and low-sugar food. The fat content of 100 grams of eggplant is less than 1 gram and the calories are only 2 to 30 kcal. It is good for weight loss. 

Eggplant is loose and porous, so it is easy to absorb oil. Therefore, it is best not to put too much oil when cooking eggplant. The best way to cook eggplant is steaming. Eggplant contains solanine, so don't eat it raw. Excessive intake of solanine can cause food poisoning.

3. Tomato-Good for prostate.

Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, which has strong antioxidant capacity and anti-cancer effect. It can prevent prostate disease. Studies believe that eating tomatoes often helps prevent prostate cancer. Not only that, regular intake of lycopene can also reduce the risk of breast cancer, colon cancer and other cancers.

Eating cooked tomatoes is more nutritious than eating raw. Lycopene is combined with protein and there is a lot of cellulose wrapped around it. It must be heated to a certain degree before lycopene can be released. Therefore, if you want to better absorb nutrients and give full play to the anti-cancer effect of tomatoes, you must eat them cooked. In addition, it is best not to eat green tomatoes. Solanine is contained in immature green tomatoes. After eating, it will make the mouth bitter and stomach upset, and eating too much may lead to poisoning.

4. Fennel-Good for kidney and stomach.

Chinese medicine believes that fennel is warm in nature. It can warmly invigorating the kidney. It is suitable for people who are afraid of cold in winter and have cold hands and feet. Fennel can also warmly invigorate the stomach and the spleen, and aid digestion. People with weak functions of the spleen and stomach and who are prone to abdominal pain and diarrhea can eat some fennel for nourishment. 

People with allergies should not eat fennel. When the skin is injured and the wound has not healed, it is best not to eat fennel, otherwise it is not conducive to wound healing.

5. Shepherd's Purse-Calcium Supplement

Shepherd's purse is rich in vitamins, cellulose, calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium and other minerals. The nutritional value is quite high. Especially for calcium, the calcium content of shepherd's purse is higher than that of milk. The calcium content of shepherd's purse per 100 grams is 294 mg, while milk is only 120 mg. Therefore, people who need calcium supplementation, especially the elderly and children, in addition to drinking more milk, can also eat shepherd's purse.

Oxalic acid in vegetables interferes with calcium absorption. You can boil it in water before cooking to remove most of the oxalic acid.

6. Flammulina velutipes-Good for children's intellectual development.

Flammulina velutipes contains more essential amino acids than other mushrooms, especially arginine and lysine. It is very good for the intellectual development of children in the growing period. Moreover, Flammulina velutipes has relatively high zinc and iron content. It can also promote the child's bone development.

Flammulina velutipes has a high purine content, so patients with gout should not consume too much.

7. Daylily-Good for brain health.

Daylily is rich in lecithin. Appropriate supplementation of lecithin can enhance and improve brain function. It can also improve concentration and memory. For children, it can promote brain development. For office workers who often use their brains, it is also suitable to eat daylily to protect their brain health. For the elderly, eating daylily can helps to improve memory.

Fresh daylily contains colchicine. It will be oxidized in the gastrointestinal tract to the highly toxic dicolchicine, which may cause food poisoning. Dried daylily has already dissolved the colchicine during the processing process, which is relatively safer. It is not suggest you eat fresh daylily. If you have to eat it, it must be blanched in boiling water and then soaked in water for more than two hours. The dried daylily should also be soaked in water before using them for cooking.


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