Sunday, January 2, 2022

Ten foods that can help lower blood lipids.🌽🍎🍠

Hyperlipidemia is a common disease at present. Due to the many pathogenic factors of hyperlipidemia, it is easy to cause a variety of serious complications, such as high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases. Poor eating habits in life are also a major factor in increasing blood lipids. Therefore, while medication is used to reduce blood lipids, dietary improvement can better assist in the treatment of blood lipid reduction. Here are ten foods that can help lower blood lipids:

1. Oats:

Oats have the effect of lowering cholesterol and blood lipids. Because oats contain rich soluble dietary fiber that other grains do not have. This fiber is easily absorbed by the human body and has low calories. It is not only conducive to weight loss, but also suitable for the dietary needs of people with heart disease, high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia and diabetes.


2. Corn:

Corn is rich in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, selenium, vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, E, carotene, etc., and is also rich in fiber. Regular consumption of corn can lower cholesterol and soften blood vessels. It can prevent cardiovascular disease. It also has an adjuvant therapeutic effect on cholecystitis, gallstones and diabetes.


3. Onion and garlic:

Onions contain compounds such as alliin and thiol, which help to dissolve blood clots. Moreover, onions contain almost no fat, so they can inhibit the increase in cholesterol caused by a high-fat diet and help improve atherosclerosis. Garlic can lower serum total cholesterol. The secondary metabolite of allicin, methpropylene trisulfide, can prevent thrombosis.

Onion and garlic

4. Yam:

Yam contains mucus protein. Mucin can prevent fat deposition in the cardiovascular system, maintain blood vessel elasticity, prevent arteriosclerosis, reduce subcutaneous fat deposition, and avoid obesity. Moreover, the dopamine in yam has the function of dilating blood vessels and improving blood circulation.

Chinese Yam

5. Sweet potato:

Sweet potato has a strong effect of lowering blood cholesterol, maintaining blood acid-base balance, delaying aging, and preventing cancer and cancer. Sweet potatoes are rich in dietary fiber and gums, which help defecation substances. It can help remove useless substances from the intestines.

Sweet potato

6. Kelp:

Kelp can be said to be a vegetable from the ocean. Its low-calorie and low-fat characteristics have attracted the attention of nutritionists. Algae contain phytochemicals such as plant polysaccharides. They have many physiological functions such as anti-oxidation, regulating immunity, suppressing tumor, anti-infection, lowering cholesterol, delaying aging and so on. Because of the high water content of the alginate in kelp, it can form a gel-like substance in the intestine, so it helps to eliminate toxins and prevents constipation and intestinal cancer.


7. Tremella:

Tremella is a nourishing food. It is rich in dietary fiber, which can strengthen gastrointestinal motility and reduce fat absorption. Tremella polysaccharide is a plant polysaccharide, which has the functions of lowering cholesterol, enhancing immunity, anti-tumor, anti-aging and beauty moisturizing.


8. Celery:

Celery has the effects of detoxification, invigorating the stomach, protecting the liver, reducing phlegm, removing edema, calming blood pressure, reducing weight and fat. Celery is more suitable for patients with cough and excessive sputum, viral hepatitis, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, coronary heart disease, vascular sclerosis, urinary tract infection, sore swelling, pharyngitis, and so on.


9. Hawthorn:

The pectin contained in hawthorn is soluble dietary fiber, which has the effect of lowering cholesterol and preventing atherosclerosis. Eating hawthorn can remove oil and greasiness and promote digestion.


10. Apple:

Apple is one of the very good fruits. It is healthy and low in calories. Because apples are rich in dietary fiber, pectin. Pectin basically contains no calories. It just passes through the human body. But every time it passes through the human body, it always takes away something, such as fat and oil. This will help to remove oil and lose weight. Moreover, it will also make the skin brighter and moisturized.


In addition, if you suffer from cardiovascular problems such as hyperlipidemia and high blood pressure, you should be careful not to eat greasy and spicy foods, eat less high-cholesterol, high-protein foods, and not eat animal fat, animal offal, etc. Try not to smoke or drink. You should have a light diet, eat more fruits and vegetables, maintain a good attitude and mood, and the effect of lowering blood pressure will be more ideal.


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