Monday, January 24, 2022

Some dietary advice for cancer patients.🍱🍱🍱

As mentioned in the previous article, nutrition intake for cancer patients is
very important. This article will share some dietary advice for cancer patients.

Directions for an anticancer diet.

At present, no single food can prevent or treat cancer, but the right combination of food may have the effect of adjuvant treatment or prevention. For a balanced diet, the human body generally needs no more than one-third of animal protein and at least two-thirds of plant food.

The richer the color of the food, the better the anti-cancer effect.

Vegetables and fruits are rich in anticancer nutrients. The more colors they have, the more nutrients they contain. These foods can also reduce cancer risk in other ways. They can help patients maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight increases the risk of several cancers, such as esophageal, stomach and colon cancers. Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables can help prevent cancer, especially orange, red and dark green fruits and vegetables.

Eating foods rich in folic acid for breakfast can help anticancer.

Folic acid is one of the important B vitamins. It can help resist breast, rectal and colon cancer. Breakfast foods rich in folic acid, such as whole grains, melons, strawberries and oranges are also good sources of folic acid. Other good sources of folic acid are eggs. It can also be consumed in sunflower seeds, beans and green leafy vegetables such as spinach. The best way to get folic acid is to eat enough grain products, vegetables and fruits. It should not rely on folic acid supplements to get folic acid.

Cancer risk from processed foods.

Eating a hot dog or ham sandwich occasionally does not increase cancer risk. However, eating less processed foods like ham, sausage, and bacon can help reduce the risk of stomach, colon, and rectal cancers. Also, studies have pointed out that cured or smoked meats contain chemicals that can cause cancer.

Anticancer potential of tomatoes.

Studies have found that eating tomatoes can reduce the risk of several cancers, such as prostate cancer. Studies have also shown that ketchup or tomato juice can activate the anti-cancer potential in the body.

Tea and cancer.

Although the quality of research is uneven, tea may have strong anticancer properties, especially green tea. Studies have shown that green tea can delay or prevent the development of cancer cells in the breast, liver, prostate and colon. In addition, similar effects can also observe in lung and skin tissue. Tea may also reduce the risk of stomach, pancreatic, and bladder cancers.

Grapes can fight cancer.

Grapes and grape juice contain resveratrol, especially in fuchsia grapes. Resveratrol has strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Studies have shown that it prevents some of the cellular damage that can trigger cancer. However, there is not enough evidence that eating grapes, drinking grape juice, wine or taking supplements can avoid or heal cancer.

Drinking alcohol increases cancer risk.

Alcohol consumption has been linked to cancers of the mouth, throat, esophagus, breast, liver, colon and rectum. The American Cancer Society recommends that men should drink less than two drinks a day and women should drink less than one drink a day. Women at high risk of breast cancer need to ask their doctor what the maximum amount of alcohol they can consume per day, even if they want to drink alcohol, based on personal health. Women at high risk of breast cancer should consult their doctor about the amount of alcohol they can drink.

Water and other fluids have anticancer properties.

Water may reduce the risk of bladder cancer by diluting the concentration of potential cancer carcinogens in the bladder. In addition, consuming more fluids can cause you to urinate more frequently. It reduces the time that the carcinogens are in contact with the bladder mucosa.

Bean and cancer.

Beans are known to be good for the body. They can also help fight cancer. Beans contain chemicals that protect the body's cells and may have anti-cancer effects. Studies have shown that they prevent tumor cells from releasing substances that can damage surrounding cells. It slows the growth of tumor cells.

Cruciferous Vegetables and cancer.

Cruciferous vegetables include cabbage, Chinese cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale and so on. These cruciferous vegetables can be eaten raw or cooked. These vegetables also contain ingredients that can help fight cancers such as lung, breast, cervix, and colon cancer.

Dark leafy greens and cancer.

Dark leafy greens such as kale, mustard greens, spinach are rich in fiber, carotenoids, and folate. These nutrients protect in the mouth, throat, pancreas, lungs, skin and stomach. They can against cancers of those organs.


Curcumin is the main ingredient in the cooking spice turmeric. It has potential anticancer effects. Studies have shown that it can inhibit the transformation, proliferation and invasion of tumor cells. It can prevent a wide range of cancers.

Cooking methods.

Cooking methods may also increase the risk of cancer. Frying and grilling food at high temperatures can generate harmful chemicals. This may increase the risk of cancer. Cooking methods of stewing, boiling or steaming produce relatively few of these chemicals.


Berries such as strawberries, blueberries and raspberries are rich in antioxidants. They are able to eliminate free radicals, which prevent free radicals from harming cells. Thus berries can help prevent or delay the development of cancer.


Although sugar doesn't directly cause cancer, it may inhibit the absorption of other foods that help fight cancer. It also increases the intake of calorie. It leads to overweight and obesity. Overweight is one of the risk factors of cancer. If the patient wants to consume sugar, they can choose to consume sugar from fruit.


Although nutrients such as vitamins may help prevent cancer, they only work when they are absorbed naturally from food. Studies have shown that getting anticancer nutrients from foods such as green leafy vegetables, fruits and beans can be far more effective than their supplements. A healthy diet is better than all nutrition.


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