Thursday, January 27, 2022

Some symptoms in your body may imply that you have the risk of cancer.😨😨😨

Cancer is a disease that everyone fears. Once you have cancer, it has a big impulse on your whole family. Although cancer is scary, its progression is slow. Therefore, if the patient can be checked early, detected early and treated early, the patient has a good chance of being cured of the cancer. The following will briefly introduce when patients should start cancer screening? Under what circumstances should they be screened?

1. Bowel cancer.

Adults over the age of 40 should preferably have a fecal occult blood test and a routine stool examination every year. Colonoscopy and related tumor marker tests should also be performed if necessary.

Additionally, if people have the following symptoms, they should get tested as soon as possible:

  1. Changes in the regularity of bowel movements: It is the most common performance of bowel cancer. It is mainly manifested as sudden diarrhea, constipation, or alternating between the two, and the symptoms are not relieved even for a long time. 
  2. Blood in the stool: Bowel cancer causes stools that may be mixed with blood and often mucus. If the blood is only on the surface of the stool, it is generally bleeding from hemorrhoids.
  3. Abdominal discomfort: Bowel cancer may also have persistent abdominal pain, bloating and other abdominal discomfort.
  4. Systemic symptoms: Rapid weight loss, unknown fever, anemia, etc.

Recommendations for the prevention of bowel cancer: The diet should be regular and balanced. People should eat 400-800 grams of fruits and vegetables every day, and eat less grilled or fried food. Sitting for long periods should also be avoided.

2. Liver cancer.

People over the age of 40 should have liver function tests and abdominal ultrasound scans at least once a year. Close relatives with liver cancer, patients with chronic hepatitis or long-term alcohol consumption should increase hepatitis B and alpha-fetoprotein tests according to the doctor's recommendation.

Additionally, if people have the following symptoms, they should get tested as soon as possible:

  1. Liver pain: Its main symptom is persistent pain in the right upper quadrant. It often worsens at night or after exertion. If the cancer nodule ruptures and bleeds, it may cause severe pain and even shock.
  2. Spider nevus: It is a type of telangiectasia. The body of nevus has a central point surrounded by small blood vessel branches. It looks like a small spider. It is commonly found on the face, neck, hands and upper chest.
  3. Liver palm: It manifests as flaky hyperemia, red spots or plaques on the skin at the thenar area of the palm.
  4. Jaundice: The skin and the whites of the eyes turn yellow. In severe cases, stool may turn gray and sweat, urine, and tears turn yellow. Sometimes it is accompanied by itching of the skin.
  5. Other symptoms: decreased appetite, weight loss, exhaustion and fatigue, etc.

Recommendations for the prevention of liver cancer: People should drink less or no alcohol. Raw food should not be eaten, especially raw freshwater fish. Leftovers should be eaten less. Do not eat food that has a change in taste or texture. Do not take medicine indiscriminately.

3. Gastric cancer.

The high-risk groups for gastric cancer are people with a history of chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer and Helicobacter pylori infection, people have undergone gastric cancer resection, their close relatives with gastric cancer and they are over the age of 40. It is recommended to have gastroscopy annually.

Additionally, if people have the following symptoms, they should get tested as soon as possible:

  1. Upper abdominal discomfort: The common symptoms of early gastric cancer include abdominal distension and pain that will worsen after eating, hiccups, loss of appetite, etc.
  2. Acid reflux and heartburn: Gastric cancer may reduce gastric motility. Stomach acid may flow back into the esophagus after eating. It causes symptoms of heartburn.
  3. Dark stools, blood in the stool and anemia: Gastric cancer can cause bleeding in the stomach. It may cause symptoms such as dark stools, blood in the stool and anemia.
  4. Rapid weight loss.

Recommendations for the prevention of gastric cancer: The daily diet should be regular. The food should be chewed and swallowed slowly. Processed foods such as pickled and smoked should be eaten less. Processed foods, such as pickled and smoked, as well as fried and grilled foods should also be avoided. Cutlery and drinking glasses should be used independently and should not be shared with others. Daily routine should be healthy and regular.

4. Lung cancer.

Adults aged 55 and older who have smoked for more than 30 years or who have quit smoking for less than 15 years should have annual low-dose CT scans. Adults 50 years and older who have smoked for more than 20 years, have a family history, or have a work environment with dust pollution should also have a low-dose CT scan every year.

Additionally, if people have the following symptoms, they should get tested as soon as possible:

  1. Cough: It is mostly an irritating dry cough.
  2. Hemoptysis or blood in sputum: A ruptured blood vessel or vasculitis can cause blood in the sputum when coughing. If the blood vessel is bleeding heavily, it may have hemoptysis symptoms.
  3. Chest pain: Surrounding tissue can be invaded by tumor cells. It often causes irregular pain in the chest. If the pain is sharp and severe, it indicates that the tumor cells have spread outward.
  4. Others: Chest tightness, shortness of breath, hoarseness and so on are possible symptoms.

Recommendations for the prevention of lung cancer: Patients should quit smoking and avoid inhalation of second-hand smoke, oil fumes and other fumes. They should use masks appropriately.

5. Cervical cancer.

Women aged 25 to 29 should have a cytology test every 3 years. Women aged 30 to 64 should undergo combined screening for high-risk HPV and cytology every 5 years. Screening can be discontinued in women aged 65 years and older with normal results in previous test.

Additionally, if people have the following symptoms, they should get tested as soon as possible:

  1. Bleeding on contact: Vagina can occur small amounts of bleeding during sex, after a gynecological examination or straining to defecate.
  2. Abnormal secretions: Vagina occurs white or bloody secretions. Its texture is thin, watery and often accompanied by a fishy odor.
  3. Vagina occurs irregular bleeding after menopause: Menopausal women experience sudden vaginal bleeding.

Recommendations for the prevention of cervical cancer: People should be vaccinated against HPV. Practice hygiene and contraceptive measures during sex. Quit smoking.

6. Breast cancer.

Breast ultrasound and mammography should be done annually after age 40.

Additionally, if people have the following symptoms, they should get tested as soon as possible:

  1. Breast lump: It is mostly a single breast. The lump feels hard to the touch, with uneven edges, a rough surface and sometimes feels pain.
  2. Swollen lymph nodes in the armpit: Sometimes, swollen lymph nodes can be touched in the front and lower part of the armpit.
  3. Nipple discharge: Bright red or dark red fluid from the nipple, sometimes watery.
  4. Breast skin changes: The localized skin of the breast becomes rough. It is like an orange peel. Local compression on the breast can create an inward depression.

Recommendations for the prevention of breast cancer: Women can check their breasts on their own. If you have the above symptoms, you should seek medical treatment in time. Contraception should be used if pregnancy is not planned. Quit smoking and limit alcohol consumption.


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