Friday, November 12, 2021

Why the bone densities of women still declines as they keep taking calcium tablets?😡😡😡

Do you have a habit of taking calcium tablets to prevent osteoporosis? Do you know what ingredients your calcium tablets contain? Do you think your calcium tablets are able to prevent or cure osteoporosis? Actually, it is not simply to prevent osteoporosis as only taking calcium tablets. Let's learn some knowledge about calcium supplement together.

What is osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a disorder of bone metabolism. The patient's bone density decreases and makes the bone structure fragile. It can easily lead to fractures and cause pain and other complications. Osteoporosis reduces the patient's ability to take care of itself. Normally, osteoporosis does not have any symptoms. If patient feel pain, it is usually caused by a fracture. The most common fracture sites include the spine, forearm bones and femur. The patient with osteoporosis may fractures due to a slight collision or fall. Even if there is no collision, the spine will also collapse progressively and cause the back bending. It will form hunchback and becomes short. Some patients may also have back pain.

There are some people buy and take the calcium tablets to prevent osteoporosis by themselves. However, their bone density may still decrease and they eventually have osteoporosis. Especially in women, they are easy to have osteoporosis.

There is a patient keep taking the calcium tablets everyday for more than 5 years. She check her bone density in the hospital after she fall down and has fracture. Her bone density has still declined since she started taking the calcium tablets. Her lumbar spine bone mineral density is almost achieved osteoporosis (T-score is -2.1, when T-score <-2.5, it can define to osteoporosis.). Her T-scores of other parts are also at osteopenia level (T-score <-1). 

Why the calcium tablets can't prevent bone loss?

Women are more likely to have osteoporosis than men, but why and why the calcium tablets can't prevent bone loss? The estrogen level is related to osteoporosis. After women enter the perimenopausal period, the  levels of estrogen are declined rapidly. The activity of osteoclasts is enhanced and the bone loss is significantly accelerated. To delay bone loss in postmenopausal women, the key is not to supplement calcium, but to inhibit osteoclast activity as soon as possible. Therefore, the calcium tablets are not enough for women. They may need to use selective estrogen receptor modulators (such as raloxifene) or bisphosphonates (such as alendronate). 

What situations are calcium supplements enough to be taken alone?

Women are before entering to perimenopausal period: The estrogen in the body has not decreased significantly. The activity of osteoclasts is not strong and the bone loss is slow. At this time, taking calcium supplements will help maintain their bone health.

In the interval between bisphosphonate medications or during their medication holidays, they can take calcium supplements: For example, zoledronic acid injection is generally injected once a year and calcium tablets can be taken alone during the interval between two injections. In addition, with the prolonged use of bisphosphonates, the bone density will no longer increases, but adverse effects gradually increase. Therefore, the use of bisphosphonate drugs should be suspended after 3 to 5 years and enter the medication holiday. During the medication holiday, calcium supplements can be taken alone.

πŸ‘‰When taking calcium supplements, combined with active vitamin D is better than only calcium. It can help increase the absorption of calcium, increase bone density and reduce the risk of fractures. Adults need to supplement 800 mg of calcium per day and 1000 mg for over 50-year-old.  


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