Sunday, November 28, 2021

A few good sleeping habits will improve your quality of life.πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

When it comes to sleeping habits that are bad for your body, you will definitely think of staying up late. But apart from staying up late, some sleeping habits are actually harmful to the body. And some people think that sleeping habits are good for the body, but it will actually make you tired the more you sleep and it even hurts your body than staying up late. 

Sleeping habits may hurt your body.

1. Get up early

Although early to bed and early to rise is good for your health, sometimes people mistakenly think that getting up early is also good for your health. In fact, waking up early is sometimes more harmful than staying up late. Some people insist on getting up early no matter what time they fall asleep. In fact, this is the same as staying up late. It is because the lack of sleep time will cause the symptoms of lack of sleep. Lack of sleep can cause symptoms such as dizziness, headache, decreased concentration and irritability. Long-term lack of sleep can cause immune dysfunction in the body and increase the risk of dementia, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, digestive tract diseases and immune diseases. Studies have found that the same sleep time is 4 hours and the state of the participants who slept from 23:00 to 3:00 was worse than that of the participants who slept from 3:00 to 7:00. 

Therefore, it is recommended that you do not seek to get up too early. Sufficient sleep time is the most important thing.

2. Plants in the bedroom

Putting some flowers and plants indoors can not only decorate the bedroom, but also purify the air and relieve tension. However, it is recommended not to put it in the bedroom, especially the headboard. First, green plants only perform respiration at night. At this time, plants absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide. It is easy for people to stay in an oxygen-deficient environment for a long time and it is difficult to enter deep sleep. It causes continuous fatigue. On the other hand, there may be a large number of molds hidden in the flower-growing soil, which can cause respiratory diseases such as allergies or asthma if placed on the bedside. 

In addition, there are some plants that can make people sick such as insomnia and allergies. It is not recommended to put flowers in the bedroom.

3. Turn on the night light to sleep

For convenience at night, many people will install a night light in the bedroom. Some people will keep it open until dawn. But from a health perspective, the night light should not be on all night. 

When a person sleeps in a dark environment, the pineal gland of the brain secretes a substance (melatonin) closely related to human sleep. Melatonin can induce sleep, enhance immunity, regulate body temperature, eliminate fatigue and make people energetic after waking up. However, turning on the night lights to sleep will produce a kind of "light pressure", which will inhibit the secretion of melatonin. It will affects the body's various endocrine activities. Sleeping with the night light on can also be harmful to your child's eyesight. Because the child's eyelids are relatively thin. They can still sense faint light when they close their eyes. After the daytime activities, the night is the time to get a rest, but the light of the small night light will constantly stimulate the eyes.

It is recommended that you turn off the night light when you sleep, and turn it on when you use it.

4. Use a humidifier while sleeping

As soon as winter arrives, the indoor air becomes very dry. Many people use humidifiers. In order to make the air more humid, many people sleep with a humidifier on all night. In fact, this is actually bad for the body. If indoor air humidity is too high, sweat will not evaporate smoothly, bacteria, dust mites, and mold will also breed, causing respiratory discomfort and severe damage to the health of the lungs. 

In addition, when you are using a humidifier, it is not recommended to add tap water. It is best to add cool boiled water, distilled water or mineral water. This is because the content of magnesium, calcium, chlorine and other substances in tap water is relatively high. Chlorine will be volatilized into the air by the humidifier and long-term use will cause air pollution. Calcium, magnesium and other substances are easy to deposit and form scale. They can block the spray hole of the humidifier. It reduce the humidification efficiency and affect the service life.

It is recommended to change the water of the humidifier daily and it is best to clean it once a week. This can prevent the growth of microorganisms such as molds, thereby avoiding infection with germs.

Some suggestions for improving sleep quality.

1. Eat some sleep-help foods

Eat some sleep aids at dinner, such as bananas, cherries, cheese, pumpkin seeds, scallops, shiitake mushrooms, sunflower seeds, black sesame seeds, etc.

2. Create a good sleeping environment

A quiet, clean and dark environment can help you fall asleep quickly. Therefore, while keeping the bedroom clean, you can choose comfortable, soft pillows and loose pajamas. At the same time, turn off the night light, turn off all kinds of luminous or sound items and close the curtains.

3. Sleep regularly

Irregular sleep time will not only affect the quality of sleep, but may also disrupt the body clock. It makes people feel difficulty concentrating, sleepy during the day, insomnia at night and unable to fall asleep. Adults are best to go to bed before 11 o'clock in the evening, sleep 6-8 hours a day. The nap time should not more than 20-30 minutes. 

Sleep time will vary from person to person. Find out the most suitable sleep time according to your mental and physical state.


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