Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Do you know that there are some small details about drinking water?

Drinking water is something that people must do every day and no day can be an exception. Otherwise the consequences will be disastrous. Now that the weather is getting colder, what details should you pay attention to when drinking water?

Precautions for the thermos bottle.

There are a lot of acidic substances which are dissolved in natural health tea and traditional Chinese herbal medicine. They may react with the chemical substances contained in the inner wall of the thermos bottle and dissolve into the liquid. Drinking this kind of liquid regularly will not only prevent you from maintaining your health, but will also make your body worse. Some Chinese herbal medicines will ferment in the thermos bottle and produce swelling gas. It causing the air pressure in the thermos bottle to increase sharply. When the bottle is opened again, it will produce a spouting and like explosion effect.

The following 3 kinds of drinks are also not recommended to be put in the thermos bottle:

  1. Tea: Tea leaves are easy to ferment under the conditions of high temperature and constant temperature in a thermos bottle. Vitamins are destroyed. Aromatic oils volatilize. Tannins and theophylline are leached in large quantities. These not only reduce the nutritional value of tea, but also makes tea taste bitter and increase harmful substances. 
  2. Milk: Storing milk in a thermos bottle can easily cause microbes to multiply rapidly. It leads to corruption. if drinking it, it may causes gastrointestinal discomfort.
  3. Carbonated beverages: Some thermos bottles use high-manganese and low-nickel steel as the inner wall. They have poor corrosion resistance. In acidic solution, heavy metals are easy to precipitate. Therefore, carbonated drinks, fruit juices, acidic drinks, etc. should not be packed in this type of thermos bottles.

When using a thermos bottle, you can pour some hot water to preheat it. After that, pour it out and then refill liquid to avoid a sudden increase in air pressure caused by excessive temperature differences. Or lower the liquid temperature to about 70°C before pour it into the thermos bottle.

How much water should you drink every day?

Under normal situations, a normal adult needs 3,000 ml of water per day. The intake of about 1,000 ml through food such as vegetables, fruits and soups. The other part needs to be supplemented by drinking water. Therefore, an average adult needs to drink about 2,000 ml of water per day. In addition, drink more water when you exercise a lot or sweat a lot.

If you want to drink hot water in cold weather, what should you pay attention to?

The weather is cold in winter, and I always want to drink some warm hot water. In fact, too hot water will scald the esophagus and increase the risk of cancer. The International Agency for Research on Cancer lists hot beverages above 65°C as Class 2A carcinogens. Therefore, it is best to let the boiled water sit for a few minutes before drinking it. 

Is there the best time to drink water?

In fact, there is no best time for drinking water. It is recommended to drink water at any time. However, you can pay more attention to these few points in time:

  1. Drinking a glass of boiled water after waking up in the morning can increase blood viscosity. It will help prevent heart disease cause by that.
  2. Do not drink a lot of water immediately when you sweat a lot after strenuous exercise or work. You can moisten your throat with a little water first and then drink appropriate water after 30 minutes.
  3. Drinking a small amount of water before going to bed can prevent the blood viscosity from increasing at night. But do not drink a lot of water, so as not to increase the amount of nocturnal urine and affect the quality of sleep.


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