Thursday, November 11, 2021

Let's learn the effect of fruit on various organs of the human body.πŸŒπŸŽπŸ‡

As the economy develops and living conditions continue to improve, people pay more and more attention to personal health. It is well known that fruits are beneficial to the human body, but in fact, each kind of fruit has different effects on human organs. Even some fruits have bad effects on certain organs. The following will share the effects of some fruits on the body.

1.  Stomach

Good: Papaya

Papaya contains an enzyme called papain, which can help the body break down meat protein and promote digestion. Papaya may destroy papain after being cooked. It is recommended that you eat papaya raw.

Tips: Eating a small amount of papaya after a meal can help the gastrointestinal tract digest the meat that is difficult to absorb. It also help to prevent gastric ulcers, gastroenteritis, indigestion and other diseases.

Bad: Persimmon

Persimmon contains a lot of tannic acid. If you eat a lot of persimmons on an empty stomach, gastric acid is easy to bond with tannic acid, pectin, cellulose, etc., and gastroliths are quickly formed in the stomach. The gastrolith will damage the gastric mucosa and further stimulate the increase of gastric acid secretion. Smaller gastroliths can be excreted with the stool. However, larger gastroliths may stay in the stomach for a long time and cause a series of stomach upsets.

Tips: Don't eat persimmon on an empty stomach. Don't eat more than 2 persimmons a day. People with indigestion and stomach problems are recommended to eat less.

2. Spleen

The main function of the spleen is to further transform the digested chyme from the stomach into subtle substances to feed the whole body. If the spleen becomes weak, the body lacks nutrition and easily have various diseases. Some people feel full after eating a little bit of food. Somebody have a strong appetite. Some will have constipation and some will have diarrhea and so on.

Good: Pomelo

Chinese medicine believes that pomelo is sweet and sour in taste, cool in nature. It can make the spleen healthy and fasten digestion.

Bad: Pear

In Chinese medicine, pears are cold and cool. People eat too many pears can easily hurt the spleen and stomach, especially for the elderly and children and those with weak spleen and stomach.

Tips: People who often have abdominal pain shouldn't eat too many pears. Healthy people shouldn't eat too many pears at once and one pear a day is more appropriate. In Chinese medicine, cooking the pear can reduce its cold and cool. 

3. Intestine

Good: Dragon fruit

The laxative effect of dragon fruit is due to its rich dietary fiber. Each 100 grams of dragon fruit contains about 2.8 grams of dietary fiber. Banana is always considered very laxative. It only contains only about 1 gram of dietary fiber per 100 grams. It is less than half of dragon fruit.

Tips: The dietary fiber content of white dragon fruit is higher than the red one. If you want to relieve constipation, choose the white one.

Bad: Guava

Guava is also containing a lot of tannic acid. It will combine with the food protein in the stomach to make it hard to be digested. It is easy to be constipated if you eat too much.

Tips: People who have poor bowel movements should avoid to eat guava.

4. Kidney

Good: Grape

Chinese medicine believes that grapes are neutral in nature, sweet and sour taste, which enters the three meridians of the spleen, lungs and kidneys. Usually eating grapes can nourish the kidneys.

Tips: There are many types and colors of grapes, but black grapes are the best for the kidneys.

Bad: Banana

Banana has a relatively high mineral content and the part that exceeds the body's requirement needs to be excreted through the kidneys. This process will bring out a lot of water and increase the burden on the kidneys. Therefore, people shouldn't eat too many bananas at once and up to 1-2 bananas per day.

Tips: It is not recommended to eat only bananas for weight loss. It is really unhealthy and hurts the kidneys. In addition, people with renal insufficiency are best to eat less or not to eat bananas.

5. Liver

Good: Hawthorn fruit

Chinese medicine believes that hawthorn fruit is sour and sweet in taste and mild warm in nature. It is entered to the spleen, stomach and liver meridian. The acid of hawthorn fruit can restrain liver qi and prevent liver qi from becoming too vigorous. The hawthorn fruit enters the stomach. It can enhance the action of enzymes, promote the digestion of meat and help the conversion of cholesterol.

Tips: For people with fatty liver, hawthorn fruit can play a role in digestion and fat removal.

Bad: Durian

Durian contains a lot of sugar and calories. Sugar is metabolized in the liver which converts sugar into fat. It raises triglycerides and causes insulin resistance. It lead to damage the liver.

Tips: Healthy people should eat no more than 2 pieces a day (the edible part is no more than 100g). Patients with obesity, fatty liver, diabetes and hyperlipidemia should not eat as much as possible. If they really want to eat durian, the daily amount should be controlled within 1 small piece.

6. Heart

Good: Apple

The polyphenols and flavonoids contained in apples can  improve the permeability of blood vessels, reduce the fragility of blood vessels and lower blood lipids and cholesterol. Actually, apple have too many benefits to the body. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.πŸ˜‰

Tips: After the apple is heated, the polyphenols and flavonoid antioxidants will be drastically reduced. The heart protection effect will naturally be greatly reduced.

πŸ‘‰Do you like to eat fruit? Hope it can help you when you choose what fruit to eat.😁


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