Thursday, November 18, 2021

What prefer to eat during cancer treatment?πŸœπŸ›πŸ£

In the progression of cancer treatment, in addition to observing the doctor's prescription, taking medicines on time and in accordance with the method, you should also pay more attention to your diet. The following will briefly introduce the dietary recommendations during cancer treatment.

The basis of diet during cancer treatment: 

  1. In treatment and rehabilitation, it is most important to ensure sufficient nutrition. The importance of dietary intake is equivalent to receiving radiotherapy and chemotherapy and taking medicine.
  2. To satisfy a comprehensive and balanced diet. It is also important to ensure food safety.
  3. During the treatment period, adjust the supply of nutrients, adjust the shape of food, and adjust the way of nutrient supply according to the situation.

Recommended food during cancer treatment:

1. Ensure intaking enough high-quality protein.

One egg a day.

Dairy products 1-2 times a day such as a glass of milk, special medical formula food nutrient solution and a portion of sugar-free yogurt. If you are already malnourished patients, dairy products can choose special medical formula foods instead of milk.

Choose 2 different types of foods with high quality protein content every day. The intake is about 2-3 pieces the size of your own palm:

  • Poultry (duck, chicken, etc.)
  • Meat (pig, sheep, cattle, etc.)
  • Aquatic products (sea fish, river fish, crab, shrimp, etc.)
  • Soy or soybean products (green beans/soybeans/edamame, tofu, etc.)

2. Eat at least 500 grams of vegetables every day and try to choose varieties with rich colors. 

  • It is because the richer the color, the more healthy nutrients, such as dark green, red and yellow vegetables. In particular, you should eat more dark green vegetables rich in folic acid, such as spinach, Chinese kale and so on. If eating vegetables causes flatulence during the treatment period, it can be adjusted to part of the food and the other part is drunk the vegetable juice which filters residue.

3. If your hemogram is relatively low, you can eat pig liver once a week.

4. Take 1-2 fruits a day

  • The intake is about the size of your own 2 fists and preferably with high vitamin C content.

5. A small handful of original nuts every day.

  • The intake amount is that you can hold it with your hands after peeling the shell. Such as walnuts, almonds, Brazil nuts, pistachios and so on. You can mix several different types or change different types every few days.

6. One small spoonful of seeds a day.

  • It is about 10 ml such as sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, hemp seeds and chia seeds. You can also mix them according to your preferences.

7. Don't forget the staple food.

  • 2-3 servings of your own fist size a day, which can be rice, noodles, miscellaneous grains.

πŸ‘‰At last, If you have a poor appetite, you can use a blender to process the above food to make a nutritious paste. The amount of food will appear to be much less.


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